New BFBC2 Maps

If you don't know already, the new BFBC2 maps are out.

The 2 ports from BFBC1 (Oasis and Harvest Day)I feel are very unbalanced. Everytime I play them the defenders own the attackers hard. The attackers have never gotten past the second MCOM in the games I've played so far. I'm curious if you guys are having the same experience with Oasis and Harvest Day. I think the ownage on these two maps is because DICE decided to take out the artillery strike from these two ported maps.

I haven't played them yet but I hope to god they aren't unbalanced. If what you say is true...these new maps might not be as awesome as the trailer made them look.

So after a day of playing the 2 ported maps. I've been able to get through all the MCOM's on Oasis. Harvest Day is still another story. In Harvest Day, the MCOMs are actually behind the defender's spawn point making it really hard to reach for the attackers. Couple that with extremely long and wide open fields creates a sniper fest.

TL;DR: Oasis has gotten better as people have learned to play the map as attackers. Harvest Day is still horrible.

its not just the ported maps its all of them. There are also some awful graphical glitches on Cold War. I already knw Harvest day and Oasis were gonna be too big and wide open, It's seriously impossible to make your way down the map unless you run along the edges or are in a vehicle.

Cant wait to get home and play them for real :#

Im currently on the other side of norway : (

GreenSLi said:

Cant wait to get home and play them for real :#

Im currently on the other side of norway : (

your probably gonna be dissapointed, hopefully Vietnam expansion adds some new content worth playing

I played a lot of BC1, a great strategy for Harvest Day is to take tanks from the start base (if you're playing as an Attacker), and mow down the trees to the right of the first m-com set, it helps weed out snipers. Keep them there if your team already has a position, it helps with cover.

50CalPotato said:

I played a lot of BC1, a great strategy for Harvest Day is to take tanks from the start base (if you're playing as an Attacker), and mow down the trees to the right of the first m-com set, it helps weed out snipers. Keep them there if your team already has a position, it helps with cover.

first m-com isnt the problem, its the third