New Battlefield 1943/Bad Company 2 screenshots and

This is for any of you Battlefield fans. There are new videos and screens for both 1943 and BC2. 1943 is going to have DLC only. It is still in the pre-alpha stage. Its supposed to be out sometime this summer.



[url=]Videos and articles[/url]



[url=]Concept art[/url]

The trailer is supposed to be released tonight on Game Trailers. Ill post it here if I see it.

So no one else is looking forward to the new Battlefields?

They are selling out, dammit.


Battlefield 2 was my best online experience ever.... Still is

i like the battle field series

BF2 was the best

i agree with you green SLI that they should make bf3

I agree, BF2 is still great. I play it all of the time.

Ok, here's the BC2 trailer

I like how they made everything connect to each other.


Battlefield 2 is the best mutliplayer FPS IMO.

I hope these two will be just as good. i play like bf2 almost everyday. :D

New [url=]screens[/url]. The water looks awesome.

i think tht badcompany 2 looks better than the first one did i'm just praying it will have a good multiplayer set up. i always like the way tht the battlefield games made you unlock guns online i thought it was a clever award for playing so long and so well