New ATI 48xx series Overclocking Tool Theres the link, This tool lets you go far beyond the limitations of Catalyst Control Center's built-in OverDrive tool. Meaning yes... more raw power from the 48xx series. enjoy ^^b

Sorry for the double post but the first one might be hard to read with the warnings about not being able to open my pics of the tool. anyways

Theres the link, This tool lets you go far beyond the limitations of Catalyst Control Center's built-in OverDrive tool. Meaning yes... more raw power from the 48xx series. enjoy ^^b

I trust overdrive more.

Yeah overdrive sets it's limits for a reason, But this is just a tool for people who mounted a water cooling block on their, or increased their fan speed. I'm not saying hey use this O_O lol it's just a nice tool to have if you want to push yours to a standard 4870 XOC. (Water block might be better suited). Anyways bro try it ^^ you might like it

If you're not new to overclocking , then I'd reccommend to modify the card's bios. Be careful though, doing something wrong could end up bricking the card.
Exapmle: use software overclock to determine the highest stable clock and then write changes to bios. For example my 4850 has 3 power states. LOW: 500Mhz GPU 750MEM. MED, 640GPU, 993MEM, HI 725GPU, 1003 MEM.
I used:  

Ati winflash and Ati RBE for flashing.  First time I bricked the card but my friend had 4800 series card and crossfire capable mobo, so i flashed old bios back.

Always back up your stock bios!! 

I have an heavily modified MSI 4850(shit has heatsinks all over it), which came factory with an overclock but the overclock was mere 15mhz, so I wanted to push the thing off the charts. I had pretty okay temps.
In winter, idle temps are 29-36. Load 47-57
In summer, idle temps 36-41. Load 60-73

If i'd had a better better psu i'd bet i could push the damn thing even futher, as the whole card is covered with heatsinks so it doesnt get hot at all. When i started overclocking i was amazed that GPU got so low temps but when my card started to shut itself off  things got suspicious, turns out that the GPU was yeah, cold, but whole board, especially power delivery, were molten lava. So yeah, don't solely rely on thrmal sensors, check out things for yourself. Could save you a card ;)