NEW 7740k and 7640k coming soon?


sounds like possibly hyper threaded i5 with less cache then the i7 and a higher clocked i7 with higher tdp. seems like amd is making intel put up.


Still quad core cpus, definitely not pushed too much yet.

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More of the same exact thing with different model numbers!

Why am I not surprised?

Oh, because that is all they ever do.

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"According to their publication, Intel is working on a new processor, slightly overclocked version of i7 7700K, which should be considered as Intel’s response to Ryzen. The new part would factory-clocked at 4300 MHz (100 MHz above i7 7700K), with higher TDP at 100W (vs 91W on 7700K)"

What a joke. 100mhz faster, and is probably $50 more expensive, and fools are just gonna eat it up.

From tick tock tock to tick tac toe? I'm confused Intel.


Well these are of course all rumors.
I could imagin that they would bring out a i7-7740K with better tim.
But a hyperthreaded i5 sounds very unlikely to me.

That's a conservative estimate ;)


Sad, but very true :/

So Intel is releasing this weak excuse for an upgrade "Kaby Lake-X" on a new architecture LGA 2066 when they just released Kaby Lake (LGA 1151) the beginning of this year... and they call themselves supposedly trying to compete w/ AMD's Ryzen lineup. Wtf, smh. Intel is gonna have a rude awakening when AMD takes em to the cleaners.