Never Leave a GPU Behind

Damn console peasants.

Sorry for your loss.
I don't get why anyone would do that. You could ask them who did it.

it was the baby!

It put up a good fight and will be honored as a warrior. I'd freak out; you seem like a really chill guy. Keep on keepin on. 8)

I would go full crazy and deadbeat the deadbeat. Sucks man, although if you check the PCMR thread someone is offering a 270 to you.

Look at the cooler in the first pic. There is paint missing right beneath the broken SLI finger. Someone use a substantial amount of force and a blunt instrument (beer as suggested?) to remove it.

I feel your pain. Last year my sister killed my HD 7950 by spilling alcohol on my computer. (Lucky for her, it was just the graphics card that got killed from that.)
