That video is a good overview, im guessing you don't know much already. Get the basics down pretty much like listed in that video.
Networking. Learn up on the basics, get a good book. Learn is OSI model, TCP/IP, the protocols used, etc. make use of wireshark and understand how the communication works. Build some networks, ciscos packet tracer can be useful for simulating networks, or GNS3 which is better and not tired to cisco, but maybe a bit more of a learning curve.
Virtual machines are your friend. Go crazy with them, get some servers up, run some services on them, learn how Linux works, learn how to administer Linux. Same with windows, if you can afford the licenses, or look at their preview versions that are free for a period of time, get a server and client up, learn how to administer windows boxes.
You dont need to be a programmer, but knowing the basics of a language like python can be useful.
Learn how to find information.
Theres a good chunk of security theory as well, the wikipedia has a decent high level overview
When you start getting a hang of networks, working with OS', you'll find yourself looking for the next step, the types of network attacks, downloading some vulnerable systems to play with so you can learn a bit about reconnaissance of systems and networks, identifying weaknesses in services, exploiting them, fixing them, etc.
Don't ignore the idea of putting independant learning on your CV, if its from youtube or not, if you've gained knowledge on how to do something and its helped you and its relevant, you can put it down. Maybe just rephrase it from 'watched youtube videos' :p