Network problems help d;

I have Internet connection but all applications can't connect except browsers! I've tried changing DNS and deactivating firewall I don't know what's going on. Apparently my gta v can connect online but steam, league of legends, razer comms, are not working

Ok, What firewalls are active on your system? Do you have an active firewall on your router? If so, what firewall ports are open and what network address are they directed to?

We need a baseline to work from since I have no idea what your configuration is.

It's not the router because my laptop works fine.

It's not the routers firewall because my laptop works fine

Wait, so you have both a desktop and a laptop? If that's the case then the problem is on your desktop correct?

Yes the desktop is the problem I just used the laptop to troubleshoot if it is a router problem which it isn't.

You probably have malware.

I can't even install it too...

You might save yourself alot of headache if you just wipe and reinstall windows.

OR, you could get bitdefender rescue if it's a malware issue, if not then just backup, wipe and reinstall windows

BitDefender Rescue Link

If possible, do a system restore to a time where everything worked.

Just restore it?

Whipe the disk(s) on your desktop. You A) have got yourselves a serious virus B) a serious hickup in windows (a.ka. virus)

That most of the time does not even help... leaves bits and bytes behind, and at times not even get the initial infection... one mallware hardly ever comes alone

You could try, but effectively the restored system is more than likely to get infected right again.

Do a fresh install! the only way to be sure that nothing is where it should not be

WIping is a last resort @th3z0ne, if OP is able to remove the malware or system restore to a point where everything was working then that would be the way to go.

I disagree with you about "most of the time does not even help" since it does what's supposed too, it's not rocket science.

Though isn't it a fair assumption that a mallware which really wants to stay would either infect the restorepoints or render them useless?

I call it pest practice. IMHO a infected system can't be trusted until its redone from scratch.

Though isn't it a fair assumption that a mallware which really wants to stay would either infect the restorepoints or render them useless?

The likely hood of that happening is very small, more like microscopic.

I call it pest practice. IMHO a infected system can't be trusted until its redone from scratch.

That's a very limited viewpoint you got there. Sure it would get the job done though.

As microscopic as it writes tons of entries into the registry and infects/replaces several files on your system

I guess we could write more and more posts about our different points of view ^^
I respect your approach but will still continue to lobby for the fresh install until
A) the AV industry relay catches up and can proof they're not just selling snakeoil by today, or
B) the "backup" isn’t a restore point but a offside backup that was not connected to the infected machine ever since

i just ran my superantispyware and hoping this will fix it.
its so weird dude. out of nowhere

You ran it, or is it sill running? Did it find anything?

The sad fact is, that today you can get infected without doing anything but browsing the web. There are very sophisticated exploit kits out there that will probe your machine for any hole and than abuse it.

Nope just adware found. After I ran I tried opening chrome and it stopped working lol fml. I'm reseting it now.

Good Luck