Network Config: Wireless AC

I am looking for a recommendation for my network configuration that includes wireless AC. I am not a networking expert, so please indicate where I should have (un)managed switches, router, firewall, AP, etc. Recommended network devices can be combination devices as appropriate.

Currently I have a wireless N router with 4 gigabit ethernet ports that I was using for my wireless that needs to be replaced. If the replacement AP/router suggestion is a similar device, I would prefer that it have DD-WRT support.


  • High internet priority
    • Server
    • My main machine
  • High intranet priority
    • HTPC
    • NAS
  • Low priority
    • Various wireless devices
    • Guest wireless devices

Thanks in advance for your help.

If I were you, I'd pick up a cheap managed or smart switch (try one from Linksys) and a couple gigabit NICs, toss together a pfSense PC from spare parts, and grab a Unifi AC AP for your WiFi. Thatll allow you to totally isolate guest devices from your own, and give them bandwidth caps easily.

Thanks for the suggestion.