Netherlands may or may not be approving mass data surveillance


Sad times for the Netherlands. the dutch government is considering to update its Intelligence and Security Act of 2002. to approve of some Mass Surveillance.

The new proposed bill is wide-ranging, covering things like the use of DNA samples and the opening of letters, but a key part concerns the regulation of bulk surveillance online. Under the new law, mandatory cooperation will be required from not only providers of public electronic communications networks and services, but also providers to closed user groups, including Telcos, access providers, hosting providers and website operators.

The proposed update of the Intelligence & Security Act of 2002 would establish bulk interception powers for any form of telecom or
data transfer as well as metadata. the revamp would allow the Dutch intelligence services to compel anyone to help decrypt data, either by providing encryption keys or turning over decrypted data.

Thoughts? this is a sad day.


Source: [Also DAT TYPO in this article]

I can see the second article mentions "purpose-orientated" surveillance. I read this as opposed to just simply hoarding the data? Who would be defining the purpose and following up on it?

Interesting, but how are they not able to compel people today? What is different? I mean, on a strong suspicion of crime, isn't it sufficient for the normal police to just issue an order to cooperate?

Are your ISP:s compelled to store metadata for some duration of time?

yes. they do it anyways. that's why people are starting to use VPN's now. to encrypt their traffic.

Quick @MisteryAngel get a VPN lols..

Doesnt surprise me that this would happen.. lots of countries are debating this issue

Could we stop associating our increasingly bizarre reality with 'tin foil hats'. A tin foil hat is someone who have otherworldish beliefs about the world surrounding them, often bordering on the downright psychedelic. Ala., my shower head is really an alien communication device and aliens are trying to communicate with me via binary water droplets. Their first message was by using a base64 system to prove that 18 is really 19!

Stating the fucking obvious and suspecting that politicians, leaders of industry and press are habitual liars who are in it only for their own gains, regardless of what smarmy they slime people with at elections is based on being fed daily doses of evidence. And if you at this point do not suspect something sinister at work, even if it is just plain good old greed and incompetence, you're a crackpot. A mouth breather and you should Darwin award yourself. It's not even hard to catch them! There is a simple trick to it. You have to watch the mouth area closely. If it is moving, they are lying though their fucking teeth regardless of political affiliation.

Coincidentally the term ' tinfoil hat' came from a bunch of crazy people who thought the government could influence their thinking with rays of some sort and that wrapping tin foil around your head could protect you. Well...they were wrong about the tin foil. It doesn't do jack.

When talking about the undermining of our ideals of individual right and freedom I refuse to come from a place of apology, nor do I want to see anyone else do it. And starting a thread that demonstrates some pretty sinister facts with the word " put on your tin foil hat" simple does not compute any more. You/have have nothing to make excuses for. It is not a crime being right, even if what you're right about is fucking criminal!

Sorry had to vent. :)

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NO! lol jk

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slap ...

well i dont know what to think of it.
I know most Dutch isps are against these kind of things.