NETGEAR A6210 slows to a crawl as time passes

Windows 10 1803
Netgear A6210 wireless adapter using usb 2.0 and 2.4Ghz
yes I have the latest driver for it :arrow_up:

Either my wifi adapter , discord or perhaps windows is doing some serious tomfoolery with my internet connetion

Lately (last few months), I have been noticing after an hour or two of continuous use (browsing YT, forum, emails, obviously using discord) of my desktop my wifi connection becomes incredibly slow/unreliable. I used to think was a nighttime congestion issue from Charter but my phone is unaffected using the same network.

this thing turns red
webpages like forum threads take exponentially longer to load and update with new posts or edits.

However running a speedtest shows I am getting the bandwidth I should be and latency is normal.

My first round of investigating led me to this

This specific fix they mention

Users report that Netgear wireless adapter works fine when they start their computer, but after a while, the internet gets cut off and the only way to enable it is to unplug and reconnect your adapter.

this works, temporarily but after another few hours pass the slowness returns.

Like I noted at the top I have done this :arrow_down:

For 2.4 GHz, make sure to stick with USB 2.0.

At first I thought this had worked but it was the act of me removing and reinstalling the stick that “fixed” it.

for some reason my router’s 5Ghz does not play nice with any device in my house but that is a separate issue. That is why I am using 2.4

I also went through and did the device and power options changes to no avail. However I have not told my adapter to stick to certain channels yet.

I also found this describing a very similar scenario but the solution

Settings > Voice > Advanced, then disable the high packet option

did not change anything nor delay the one to two hours until the issue begins

If I do not open discord at all I experience none of this

definitely discord.
I was talking to my friends about how it was affecting streaming and in game lag. Have you tried changing the port priority for discord?

as in this?

this was on but made no difference after disabling it

yes and then adding the servers at the router level

rip only gives you a range

yeah… :confused:

what about this?

QoS was off on my router <_<, fixed that

I do not have Tomato and my Asus rt ac1200 does not have Qos options that advanced on its default firmware

oo wait a minute

this looks promising

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You could try to disable hardware acceleration in discord. Has fixed weird issues for me in the past.

I’ll give it a shot


Forum seems super snappy after turning off hardware acceleration but I did just reboot my router

still need to enable it on hardware

well, I entered it into QoS, will see tomorrow. bed time

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Hey. Have you counted out the hardware and reality of wireless? Ie - new networks around you - issues with the drivers - you seem to have started on that path. An application works on a different layer than your connection per se - check your channels if there’s is noisy AP’s around.

I would say that discord have issues with underlying issues. Make sure the connection itself is stable, that will resolve your issues in the long run.

my house is at least 100 feet from the next closest so overcrowding channels is not an issue.

I have not had this problem so far tonight and I will report back in a week if its gone

Honestly - factor out physical parts, get an signal app on your phone and walk around now and then and check. Your AP might be the issue mainly - and is this issue limited to your single machine mentioned in this thread?


my PC is directly above the AP so about 8 feet and a ceiling

Being close is not always the best idea - does your AP adjust signal strength etc? Either way - have you updated your firmware? That might be a culprit.

Here’s the thing - factor out things, and start with hardware one by one. Since you are doing wireless, the factors can… be a bit of a burden. Therefore, start with my previous suggestion.

1 - Walk around checking signal strengths and other AP’s or disturbing utilities (new microwave?) You are in the spectrum that gets interference from other peripherals.
2 - Check if possible that the signal strenght and beam-parts are in line with your house - ie, the more you leak, the noisier it gets (don’t qoute me on this :wink: ).
3 -Check with other wireless systems with another set of hardware - does it perform the same, does it perform as good, the same issues etc.

There is of course then the software part of live, leaving you with drivers, and settings for the wireless both on the client side and the AP-side.

Do you have repeaters ‘interfering’ with your setup?

both my adapter and AP are on the latest

no, just one AP

no complaints from family and they are all wireless


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Then I have to say sorry for waisting your time with checking this, and will leave you with back to a application that seems to be hectic over packet timing :). I’ll follow the thread too find out what you find out!

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