Netflix Phising Scam

Okay so if you follow the Malwarebytes blog you will see that they have reported a Phising scam from a fake netflix, no doubt netflix has already been warned and investigating, but have a look at this video.

The thing I found funny, Why the hell would MS issue a tool to its engineers, that traces IPs, more so to Netflix so called "Engineers", pure bullshit, Please if you are not security savvy or at least tech savvy, dont fall for this, I expect everyone on here can tell a scam a mile off, but if you know anyone who does not know how to find a scam, help them, help improve security that bit more :)

Also watch some of the other videos, there rather enjoyable lol

HAHAHA I remember this from when it was on, Oh I loved IT crowd

i called the guy from the scam and the number still works, he told me to go lubricate my asshole on the 7th call. he also promised he would pay for some police to fuck me. I told him i woiuld love that and he slammed his phone down

Fun to watch. Thanks.

Why are you using explorer? Explain thyself.

Good luck.

Wow! I'm amazed!.... Even scams have better Tech support than Asus!

+1 so true lol

Lol I agree Abarrent, ASUS is awful for it, also Giulianno.D I dont use I.E, I use linux so I dont have it at all :) I use firefox and iron, but I always advise people against I.E, unless your brave as fuck.