Recently announced Netflix will be coming to New Zealand in March 2015 (here's the link if you need ) My question is, with the issues currently going on in The USA with Netflix and ISP's do you think it might happen over here too? and if it does could it mean that more issues with ISP's that are happening in other countries could make their way here?
further information: Spark (formerly Telecom) has a online subscription service called LightBox and i believe Vodafone also has a subscription service Where as I believe that Orcon includes the ability to use Netflix with some of their plans.
NZer here. I recall (all of this is purely from memory so correct me if I'm wrong) one of the ISPs offering a VPN service to the public so that they can bypass the geo restrictions in order to use services such as Netflix (however the ad was taken off TV because "Muh copyrights!!111"). I'm not sure what happened there, however. But if they're willing to offer such a service in order to provide us with content I'd imagine, for the most part, the ISPs won't throttle. It's also worth taking into account that we're starting to roll out fibre optics across the country (see: Gigatown). Honestly I have faith in our ISPs to not fuck everything up.
EDIT: Oh, Australia's also getting Netflix I believe. You can bet your ass the ISPs over there will throttle.
Yeah, the powers-that-be have announced that Australia is getting Netflix. I'm not a Netflix applicable content consumer anyway, so it doesn't make a difference to me. But, I can image that the ISP vultures will be 'throttling' the hell out those new Aussie Netflix subscribers.
In Australia (I don't know how I is in nz) the isps aren't owned by media companies. So why would they want to throttle Netflix? The only reason they do it in America is because they are in competition with Netflix. In Australia having a good Netflix experience would be a selling point for an ISP.
Here in Australia, the ISP's are the phone companies, but they also run the satellite and cable TV, so they will most likely be throttling the crap out of it.
Just something to add, here in NZ, Sky is trying to convince the courts that orcon and the other isp (I forget) are breaching copyright laws. Looking at a million dollar lawsuit if sky manages to convince that people that watching online content from overseas that has not been rated yet is illegal (Forgets youtube and large percentage of steam is unrated?) I think they have a chance of doing so and it it works, spark could do the same with steam and push their game stream service.
Well yeah, But I mean, not ALL of them are owned by media companies. I can see telstra not putting netflix in their freezone, but other ISPs will. I just don't think we will see the sort of nonsense here that goes on in America. The internet here might suck bu at least there's competition.
for a resource to be valuable and fetch a premium price ... it is because of scarcity ... not abundance ... the last thing they want is abundance.... if there is too much of something ... they will destroy it instead of get less for it..
I would become a NetFlix user the instant if comes here, as the only reason I ever pirate a show or stream it is because it takes too long for us here in NZ to get it, but if I have the availability to watch it online legally then I would be for that 100% but the likely hood of that happening is lowered if a ISP will throttle it, and then if they are able to throttle it where does their control stop? (side note, the only time I pirate or download the show instead of streaming it is if I want a 1080p version and the streaming sites i trust dont have a 1080p version)
A friend of mine just moved to Australia a month ago and has been telling me about the internet over there, and it seem shocking on how it is.
The way to know if this will happen is by finding out who runs the copper and fibre? Is it like the UK? where broadband/telephones connections and run by Openreach here (a non ISP) and are open to any company starting an ISP? If thats the case you probably wont see throttling because there will be plenty of competition you can switch to.