.net vs java

I'll just leave this here.




WTF? This is really funny. I want to see that. Is it real?

It's not real... but if it was I'd watch it.

This is absolutely amazing. 


No garbage collection like automatic garbage collection!

It's an awesome video, but it feeds stupid programming wars :(

alright i have done both java and .net. i can say java is better for multiplatform development. it really is. that said, .net has its advantages if your only target platform is windows. what would i choose? depends on the project. and thats what i have learned in college is that you should use the tools best suited for the task at hand. if that means using .net then use it. if its java, then use java. but the video is pretty funny. just wish it was 1080p


also open source...FTW!


Scala Johannson :D

I love it!

A classic one =D

The it department of our school loved it, the girl sitting next to the group of it guys jut looked confused...

But all of their trailers are fun, also love Javapocalypse :>
