Net neutrality fight overseas



Im a long time viewer of the channel from finland and i was just wondering is there anything that we(not american residents) can do to join this fight? I have put my name under alot of petitions but i'm wondering if this is enough. Is there anything else we can do in this fight? Because even if this does not directly make my internet connection cost more, it will hurt alot of sites i visit daily.

At the moment, NZ is playing it down as an american only thing. I believe Australias government supports the eradication of New Neutrality (No surprises there) But really its getting very little attention down here as most people just dont think it matters to them.

Yeah that's just the thing. The problem is people don't realize that this could be the start of something even bigger. And probably is if people just let this slide. Well i guess the only thing i can do is wait and see if the isp:s of usa try give the internet the old "north korea" treatment...

As far as I know there's also a fight over net neutrality in Germany and Belgium, but it isn't as bad as in America because the big ISPs are legally obligated to rent the infrastructure to resellers (at tightly regulated rates) that can then sell bandwidth however they please. Also there's nothing* to hold back municipalities to lay fibre them self's.

* other than being largely broke & too ignorant to understand the infrastructure needs of the digital age.

Just putting it out there that chorus in NZ lost a fight to dramaticly increase the cost of ADSL and VDSL to "push" people to fiber. However they are still planing to limit ADSL2+ to 0.06 Mbit/s

Yea... Although that could be because fibre is just  not available to people over here.... a main trunk was laid not 500 meters south of my house,  but my road.... no, thats not due for completion till mid- 2016....  

im in one of those large regions that got VDSL but they expected too much and so while im in a VDSL zone I can only get ADSL. Though I am set to get Fiber from now to May 2015 so all I have to do is survive 8 months with copper that cuts out every time it rains.

the portuguese parliamnet aproved a vote condemning the U.S.A. ISPs and their attempt to ruin net neutrality.