Neewer Mics

Could you guys do a review of the Neewer mics?  I have heard that they are pretty good, but I see so many different reviews on them and I trust you guys.



Allegedly they are pretty awesome.

I mean for $5 you could probably just buy the three yourself and test them. Even if they are terrible it wouldn't be such a big hit on your wallet. And you could send the other 2/3 that you didn't use to Logan and Wendell for review!

I bought these about 2/3 months ago. First of all they don't come in any protective packaging, just an envelope, so 2 of mine were already broken on arrival, but that's why I bought the 5-pack. Since that time 2 more have just broken randomly (they start to just pickup very loud feedback, and nothing else) so I'm on to my last one. To be fair they were incredibly cheap so I shouldn't really moan, but I think you would be better grabbing one that's a bit more expensive, like the Zalman mic. Also I'm pretty sure that all the video's you see of people getting amazing sound out of it are made by professionals who know how to get every last bit of quality out of a mic, and they also have good sound cards. For me, at least, the sound quality was pretty crap.

Thanks for your feedback, I was actually getting ready to buy a couple of these. And I suppose you are right, people with much more experience in reviewing these types of devices can probably turn a turd into a diamond sometimes. 

Are there any tutorials on how to get the best out of your mic then?  I have a simple Logitech one, and would like it to be a little better.

I have the Zalman zm-mic1 and it's very good paired with my Xonar DX. Little or no electrical noise and directional so it won't pick up (as much of) your pc sound.