Need your opinion about "public" OwnCloud Server

Hi guys,

i built a server and now its running OpenMediaVault with an OwnCloud Server.
I also want to build a Firewall pc but at this time i dont have enough money for this and i want to set it online now.

I am a bit scared about the security of my network when i bring it into the internet. With my fritzbox i want to open the port for the OwnCloud and nothing else.

Would you say the risk is low enough to try it?

greetings from germany


Your gonna probably be really super low risk. If the only port you open is for owncloud, and your not a famous person then you should be fine. Keep an eye on the logs, but should be fine

If you use good passwords and keep it updated then it should be safe. You might want to look at setting up fail2ban to block brute force attacks, you'll need to google how to configure fail2ban to work with owncloud as I don't think it comes with a configuration for it.

You could also set up logwatch which will email you a summary of your logs each day so you can see if any suspicious activity has occurred.

Thank you rokking, that was my hought too. Thank you very much guys.

You probably won't have to worry about being targeted, but there will be automated attacks from bots and script kiddies and the like, they generally look for known exploits and try brute forcing with common login combinations, so if you keep up to date and have decent passwords that will keep them out.

On my server I usually get a dozen or so blocked IPs each day from brute force attacks, but they're not for owncloud.

Owncloud also has support for multi factor authentication via third party plugins, so you could set it up to require a code from google authenticator or whatever code generator in addition to your password, that will pretty much prevent any internet based attack against your password but you'll still need to look out for known exploits.

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Thank you too Dexter, i used this function for the OpenMediaVault server but i can't set it in the Owncloud application. I will take care of it later...

@Dexter_Kane is on point with everything he's said. I'll only add make sure you practice the usual good practice's, ensure your software and OS are up to date and use good strong passwords.

I run owncloud on FreeNAS box. As everyone else has said, a strong password and running fail2ban is good advice. It's also a good I idea to configure owncloud to enforce https only. You can lookup the instructions to create a self-signed certificate with SHA-2 encryption and to configure whatever web server is being used with your owncloud installation.

Ok Thank you very much guys! I got strong enough passwords and i will check the logs for malicious activities so i will be save enough.