I’ve had the same pair of hd 558 Sennheiser’s for about 5 years now, love them. MY problem is deep-mid bass is now causing a very bad rattle. I’m worried about getting new ones because these have been the most comfortable headphones ive ever worn. I love music and video editing so something flat is obviously gunna be good (pls no beats). I’m debating going to closed back as I’m very adhd so blocking sounds out is good for focusing. anything between 100-200 is very do-able, and from i can tell anything past that has a lot of diminishing returns. And any suggestion is a good suggestion as they are free and very appreciated.
I don’t have any specific advice, but just want to point out that Sennheiser’s consumer audio division has been bought out by a hearing aid company. Not sure where the supply chain is at right now; there may still be plenty of OG Sennheiser gear in the pipeline.
For me nothing blocks out background noise better than the ol’ cheapo Sennheiser HD 280s, but some people find the sound too closed in and warm (ie., bass-heavy.)
Beyerdynamic DT-770 - a classic for a reason!
yeah i think those look really good. thanks
If you liked the 558 there are the 560s that are basicall HD600 but cost less and in the same shell as the 558. Everyone is raving about balanced they are so you might like them.
Beyerdynamic DT-770 in the 80 Ohm variety (the 250 Ohm has less sibilant treble, would require a headphone amp though) would be good when you want some emphasis on bass and treble. Not beats or Raycon stupid Bass, just right for the job.
AKG K-361 could also work, they have a very “consumer” sound signature (meaning emphasised low end and slightly raised treble). Not my style, but likely right for you.
Meze 99 Neo’s may be worth considering, scraping on the high end of your budget range though. They are “warm” signature wise (emphasised bass, mid and treble flat-ish) and said to be quite comfy.
Check for hairs touching the drivers. Doubt you blew them up causing a rattle if you use them normally, even with normal loud use your ears will give out before you blow the drivers.
I own Beyerdynamic Custom Studios. Basically DT-770 with detachable cable. and more “boxy” what i like because i put a modmic on it.
I can recomend them. Also the DT-770 (closed) or DT-990 (open) to that extend since its basically the same headphone.
Beyerdynamic DT-770 80 ohm
i have a pair and they are good allrounders for less than £100.
and have a spare parts offer.
meaning if you break em out of warranty you can buy the part you broke and replace it, rather than a new headset.
everything from the headband cover to the speaker cones have replacement parts.
as for sound, they are pretty flat in there response. lows are good, highs are crisp without being piercing. and the mids are well the mids.
8/10 and probably best in class for the price.
They are pretty “V-Shaped” in their signature.
i just know they sound good

+10dB from baseline is not “flat” (dB is not linear )
Slightly Off-Topic:
In HiFi, there is the idea of a universal “what humans like”-target. One of those target curves is the “Harman Curve”
Not sure from what year the below is, but it gives a pretty good idea:
When someone measuring headphones or speakers now compensates for said target, a “flat” curve means V-shaped in raw-data land.
As for the DT-770, they are definitely V-shaped
Flat would be something like the HD600 (stays within ±5dB with fast roll-off below 100Hz)
I like their bass, find mids a bit too recessed and the treble too aggressive. Personal taste
Nah most Beyers are treble cannons, some can decapitate you with shitty recordings. Can only stand a few models.
Their QC when it comes to channel matching is spotty as well. Sennheiser is much better especially their higher end models.