I don’t know if it’s the right forum to ask this question but I need your suggestion on this. I have previously archived my mails with the help of a manual method. Now again I need to archive my clients mails but this time the data is of approx 80-100 GB. I searched the web for the solution but there were many options. I want advice from you guys.
Local nas with cold storage backup off site
It would help to know more details. Your client’s email, is it stored on their personal machine? What email client do they use?
Or is it on an Exchange server? An IMAP server? GMail?
For example, with Thunderbird on Windows if you back up %APPDATA%\Thunderbird then you have all of the user’s local mail.
If you can provide some more details that would be really helpful.
What application is used for reading mail.
Why are the requirements for accessing them again
What storage options do you have available - ideally you would have a multi-backup solution
At least 2 different media, at least 2 physical locations
Previously we would run with 3 backup sets in three different locations - this was for a photograph studio, so terabytes of data.
Local NAS with redundancy, portable hard drives, two different types, placed physically in different geographical locations (this is Australia, flooding, bushfires etc… it happens)
One copy would always be off-site (I did have a fourth copy, the floater)
It is perhaps a bit excessive but, break’ in, damage equipment due to water damage etc… all help warrant it.
Your needs may differ, hence why we need more info
You have mentioned that you have used manual method therefore these are some options which you can use
Hire an expert
Offline tools
Online tools
Good recommendations, but do you have any seo spam specific suggestions?
oh that’s a good one mr spammy boy tim, do you have any suggestions?
I don’t want to hire any expert because I think there is risk of data loss. I’m looking for other options.
Thank you
What? How would an expert = risk of data loss compared to you?
I found the solution Mail Backup X.
Thanks for the suggestions
MarnusDodd may have meant something like a leak of confidential information by saying “data loss.”
Any time that you bring in more experts or help there is a greater risk of involving someone who will read your data and use it against you.
As the saying goes, three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.
There are plenty of secrets that are kept, you can get a cleared person if you have that much risk in the trust department or sign NDA. Clearly its already a company so they have to have some level of trust.
Is this Office365 Enterprise? There is an easy way to backup mailboxes to an offline copy with it.