Need tips and hints for managing 20 Forex trading PC's

I am in quest for building 20 Forex trading PC for trading office. 

With PC part picking you can assist here -->


My question is:

After building these PC's and installing Windows, I was wondering, what would be the easiest ok best way to maintain and keep all systems up to date. Like all applications. I want to set it up, and forget about it. 

I am thinking of using NINITE PRO for doing it, is it a good choice, or you would suggest something else?

Also regarding PC backups, and file sharing among computers, what software I should use, should I make separate SERVER for all PC backups and files, or just use Bittorrent Sync? Important is that files would be accessible just locally.

What other big enterprise companies are doing for file backups, and to keep all files locally and secured.

Any hint would be appreciated. 

Please for give if it is wrong place to ask questions.

Now, I'm not a professional at this sort of thing, so I can't answer most/all of your questions with any sort of confidence, but I do have one tidbit I want to suggest for managing these PCs. 

Build a software toolkit that contains every single thing you might maybe need for maintenance, from defragging and basic troubleshooting all the way to a recovery image, put it on a thumb drive, and put that thumb drive on your keys. Make sure it's complete -- you'll thank yourself later. 

I was suggested to use vPro, for maintaining PC's.

Maybe you know some tutorials for on setting up vPro and using it.

Also something what I would neet to connect all PC's to network, what routers and switches would be good trustworthy.


I'm afraid I don't know vPro, I'm a fan of available-free stuff like Piriform's Defraggler and CCleaner. I'd go for one of these in your situation, though.