Okay so here is the deal, I had a windforce oc version of 970 but due to drivers clogging up my pc, I was literally unusable. I had bugs like missing windows textures http://postimg.org/image/zbdomw0tz/ and after a while any new opening window would just be black.
After some tinkering (including a fresh install of windows with a HDD wipe) I had no results, so I ended up returning the card. After also hearing Logan complain about nvidia's support for linux I decide to for AMD.
Since the R9 and R7 series came out I sorta lost track of cards on the AMD side. I was thinking about the r9 290 or 290x and I need some advise on price to performance on both of those, plus some actual card recommendations (I don't need anything too fancy, just good performance/overclock-ability). Oh and I also need it to perform decently on 1440p (I will probably be playing mostly csgo and bf4/3 and some other pc friendly titles) and about the same price as a 970.
If you have any better ideas in mind I would greatly appreciate them.
The R9 290 will be fine. Pick one up that's been used by miners- they're cheap, and still reliable enough. Do try to get one with an aftermarket cooler though- my reference 290 at 100% is literally louder than the vacuum cleaner.
Gigabyte R9 290X (windforce) or sapphire tri-x are propably the best 290X's out there around the same price with 970. Sapphire vapor-x would be even better but it's usually more expensive too.
I have a single r9 290 trix OC by sapphire, I game at 1440, and do not see many issues with games. So far the only game I have seen any kind of bad performance in was Mirrors edge, Screen tearing, but i turned it down to 1080 and then no probs. I have an i5 4690k @ 4.4 GHz though, so Im not bottlenecking at all. Make sure youre doing somehting similar. Also, I believe Sapphire ships out thier pre OC'ed cards at higher OC than the others, so if you dont want to Oc them yourself then getting a pre OCed card could benefit you.