Right now my specs are all the same as listed, using the A10-6800k, but I've been using a old Sapphire 7770 for the graphics I got from a friend a couple months after building it so I wouldn't have to use to APU. Anyway, now I see the true glory of PC gaming and whatnot, but I'm wanting to play games that are coming out, like The Witcher 3, soon Fallout 4 and such. So I'm looking for good upgrades that would be able to handle new games relatively well. I'm not trying to 4k game or anything, I have a 1080p monitor. I'm also assuming that upgrading my GPU would mean having to upgrade my power supply...
I haven't really decided on a budget yet, I may even wait until Black Friday/Cyber Monday rolls around to do the buying. I'm just starting the search early, hoping I won't get a million replies telling me to just build a new PC. :) Any help is appreciated, thanks!
You can definitely get a new graphics card, and without needing to upgrade your Power Supply. Your 7770 has a PSU requirement of 400W, and it uses a 6-pin PCIe connector, right?
Well, you can get an EVGA GTX 960 for $199 (this particualr model) which has the same power requirments, and also uses a single 6-pin connector.
If you want to see the 960 in comparison to your 7770, here are some benchmarks. the 7770 is equivilent to the 250x, so when looking at the graphs, know that your card is the 250x.
EDIT: This ASUS Strix card also uses a single 6-pin. it is clocked higher too.
Hmmm, alright well the Strix 2GB looks good so far. Trying to figure out if the 4GB would run fine with my power supply, since it's only like $30 more. Seems worth it for the extra ram. Thanks for the suggestion!