I need suggestions on anyway I can improve my build. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kmssFd
Budget is 600-800 ish
What do you plan to use it for? It looks pretty balanced as-is. Is there anything it can't do currently?
Except, get an SSD. Storage is what makes computers respond quickly or slowly. That HDD is making an otherwise nice system take a long time to load anything.
You might consider waiting for the next round of ryzen, should be a 4 core option around 130 coming out. Even if you don't like it the price of 8350s will go down.
It's not bad, but I'd recommend dropping Win Pro for Win Home, going for a 500w psu (750 is unncesesary unless you're doing multigpu or overclocking like crazy) and picking up a 240gb SSD for a boot drive and some games with high load times.
I would see if a Microcenter is nearby for the cpu/mb combos, especially for AMD stuff.
Also it is good to state at the onset if you an AMD only guy or not.
Have you considered the cheaper FX's like the 8320e with the cheaper MB's?
I went with the regular over the OEM so there is no headache if I upgrade the cpu/mb on mine which is an 8320e/Asrock 970m pro3 that I got on a nice sale with a refurb 770
Hope this helps
I'd suggest instead to go with a Ryzen 1500x, asus prime b350 plus, 8gb ddr4 corsair b3000c15 (or CMK16GX4M2B3000C15), and a EVGA 100-B1-0500-KR 80 PLUS Bronze 500W PSU -- should come to roughly the same price, way better performance and upgrade path options. You won't need a CPU cooler, because the one that comes with the 1500x is fine. Not very impressed with the OutletPC pricing, but that's up to you (and I live on another continent).
You can buy a legit w10 pro OEM key for ~20$ these days (download the ISO off the MS website, get a 4-8gb usb stick to install it from). From the savings you can pay for the 8gb more ram and a Ryzen 1600 if you wanted to.
Depends on the use, but this is a lot of system for the money. Assuming you already have a graphics card and a windows key is an option.
I plan on using it for gaming
Can you link the build?
Sure. Change merchants as you see fit.
Windows 10 pro: e.g. here: http://www.gamingdragons.com/en/game/buy-windows-10-professional-key.html
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($176.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B350-PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard ($96.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($126.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Crucial - MX300 525GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($155.88 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: PowerColor - Radeon RX 480 8GB Red Devil Video Card
Case: Azza - SIRIUS ATX Mid Tower Case ($30.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA - 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($36.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $624.71
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-06-21 17:06 EDT-0400
you might consider going for a different/better case, but I have no concrete suggestions on that front, other than to consider front panel usb3.0 support, dust filters.
I like your parts list best with 2 changes.
A SSD + HDD is essential. 2TB HDD's start at about $60.
The GPU market is insane and the one he wants is unobtainable (not in stock) & overpriced ATM.
Maybe consider an older / used video Card. I have seen r9 390 8GB cards for under $300 on ebay.
hdd isn't essential for (steam/gog/origin) gaming, because you can just uninstall whatever you're not playing for a while, and 525gb should be ample for that purpose. But a 2tb wd blue + 275gb ssd costs about the same as this if desired.
As for the rx480: true, i'd assumed this was already in Kid's possession, tbh, given that it's an older model.
R9 390 availability is only barely better, and a power hog -- you could combine it with a 1500x or 1600 if you don't OC it much, but 450w is probably a bit tight then (though possible).