Need Suggestions :D

Alrighty! So i am looking to upgrade my system soon and for a multitudes of reasons! Reason one and probably the main reason is for my career. I do alot of 3d modeling, rendering, video rendering ect. But on top of that i am looking into using Vray to do Gpu rendering therefor i need to switch to Nvidia for cuda rendering. I also game alot and livestream. I am going to be recyceling parts for example SSD, HDD, [Amd fx 8350 if i stay with AMD] and my hyper evo 212.

I have put together a couple options that i think that i would benefit mostly from and i was wondering what do you guys think about the choices? 

Oh yea i have around a 1700-1800 Usd Budget


Option1:Stay AMD for cpu

Mobo: Gigabyte GA-990fxa am3+

Psu: Corsair RM Series 1000 Watt

Gpu: Evga 780 x2 Sli 

Ram:G.Skill Ripjaws Z Series 16GB (4x4GB)


Option2: Go Intel

Mobo: Asus Maximus VI Hero LGA 1150


Ram: Kingston HyperX Beast 32GB kit (4x8 GB)

Gpu: Evga 780Ti 

Psu: Corsair RM Series 1000 Watt

(This is like the max of my budget) 


 Also some side questions if i stay AMD should i just get a Titan Black for the gpu rendering? Should i get one 780Ti or get two 780's? 

Sorry if this post is messy and if it is hard to understand if any questions ill try to clear it up as best as i can. 

And finally if needed my current setup

Current Setup

Cpu: Amd 8350 

Mobo: Msi 990fx (Also has a scratch across the pci lanes i think its called?!

Ram: 8Gb of god knows who ram 

Gpu: Amd 7850 1gb

Psu: 650w 

Cpu cooler: Hyper evo 212

250 ssd and 1tb hdd 


Get another 2x4GB kit of RAM with the same timings.

Get a GTX 780


I Agree with Some Tech Noob ... or if you want even more horsepower get the 780ti and maybe a 32gb ram kit ... and you are more then okey.

So i should stay with AMD for my cpu? 

Yeah, your 8350 is fine for now.

Thank You. Saves me 300 dollars that i can put towards something else.