Hello! Thanks for taking time to look at this thread! I have a M2N68-LA (Narra3) MOBO, Not sure the processer, But its a one core 2.8 or 3.0 ghz, and 250 watt PSU. I was looking at getting a GTX 750. My question is would this work?
Your 750 should fit on that board but power will be an issue. The Geforce website recommends atleast a 300W PSU
I wonder if I can get away with a 250? Is there anything to stop it from happening? What about the card being PCI 3.0? The MOBO is a PCI 1.0? Would this be a problem? I LOVE your picture by the way :D
Yeah Lebozo is right. Even then make sure the PSU has the right amount of voltage on the right rail(s).
You *might* be able to(and that's a big suspicion in of itself) but I wouldn't risk it.For one,i don't know what PSU you have.For all we know,your PSU may not even have the necessary connectors to connect any additional components apart from the stock configuration.The PSU is not something you skimp out on.I mean,it does power up everything in your system.Need a reliable one first.
The PCIe generations have a bigger impact on higher end cards.Yours wouldn't be affected as much as theirs would.
Love the show and who doesn't love a military lovin' conspiracy nut? Haha.
Thank you guys very much for the help! Im just going to buy it and see what happens :p