Need Some Help Building My New RIG

Hey guys for my new rig I will be grabbing a 2011 v3 board with 8 RAM slots (
Now I am ordering 2 8GB sticks of ram for a total of 16GB, how do I install them like what RAM slots do they go into thanks!
by the way the RAM is clocked at 2400 and it says this board supports 2400 OC what does that mean exactly is it going to work? Thanks for the help!

why wouldn't you go for 4 sticks of 4GB? 2011 boards can run in Quad Channel, so puting only two sticks in would drop you down to dual channel.

The manual tells you which slots to populate for dual, triple, and quad channel. for Dual, they are the 2 DIMM slots farthest away on either side of the CPU. here is the manual. section 1-16 and 1-17

Thanks bro, and idk for future upgradability if I wanted to add another 2 8GB sticks and is dual channel slower or something?

Are ya sure you need all that?

Otherwise the slots are usually colored, but RAM speed really doesn't seem to matter anymore unless you're using integrated graphics, or doing some like intense physics processing I think.

Read the manual.