Need Recommendations for a 700 to 800 USD Rig

I have a friend looking to get a new gaming computer, and I would like some recommendations for one. Only requirments if I would like them to have and Asus z87 board, and it's for demanding games like Skyrim and ME3, but also a lot of mmos. 

Do you need an OS? A Z87 build Isn't really an option at this price point. This is with an OS This if you don't need an OS

Maybe Tell us your loacation, I can't help you if you're in the US. 

I somehow managed to fit in a Haswell and a z87 for your price range.  Since you are so determined on a z87 board, I slightly cheaped out on the GPU but it's no slouch.  Plus there is no OS, Keyboard, Peripherals.  Let me know what you think.  

And if you don't mind, I strongly recommend the Zalman Z11 (Plus).
It is a very wide case with the best airflow I've seen so far.

I use it too and recommended it to everyone since, everyone else was also satisfied. 

Edit: the 650 Ti makes no sence, better buy a 660 /Ti or HD7850/7870, they are only 15-20$ more expensive, but the performance difference is huge.

The reason for the z87 request if because my friend knows nothing about overclocking, but is interested in it. Asus's oc tools are amazing