Need Recommendation about getting a new monitor

Hi, I want to upgrade from my old, crappy 1024x768 monitor to a new 1920x1080 one. I got many suggestions that I can’t wrap my head around:
Some suggested getting a 1080p@144Hz monitor as it makes huge difference;
Some suggested a 1440p@144Hz one;
A few suggested a 1440p@60Hz one.
Unfortunately, my budget can’t get a 1440p one atm, and I mostly play a few competitive games and a lot of recent AAA titles. The only options available where I live are:

Or should I just get a normal 1080p@60Hz,or do you have other suggestions?

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Well size matters :). Refresh rate is awesome in the 120-144Hz regardless of if your current GPU can push it as displays can last 10 years. I have 2 and one is over 10 years.

After about 144Hz the refresh rate is not as noticeable unless you’re an inhuman. The thing now is HDR which gives a more vibrant color range and brightness peak in general.

Im not shopping now but even at 1080p I would try if you room allows for a larger display than 24". Though price alway is a dominant limit.

If a best buy is avail:

Get a 27 inch 1080P monitor. It’s the perfect combo between resolution and size.
At 2-3 feet away from it at your desk, you won’t be able to tell a difference unless you are a hawk or something. And you will feel emerged into your game.
As for brands:
Dell & ASUS are top quality, never owned any other brands, so can’t speak about those.
And yes, 144 is epic compared to 60 for gaming. (provided your gpu is powerful enough)

Be careful of that monitor you actually get. I had a 1080p screen that would shoot down to 40hz whenever it felt like and it made me want to barf. I got a dell ultrasharp screen that was pretty nice in 1680x1050 and now use it with an apple A1267 cinema display. If you can find an A1267 for not 400 dollars I highly recommend it.

Wonder if op made a decision after a month…

Hope you picked a good one :slight_smile: And best of luck