Need quick, unbiased(Intel vs AMD) opinion

I need advice, well I need a "you're good to proceed" from someone. I almost mashed that purchase button and decided to reach out and see what others think. Please be unbiased, no Intel fanboys that auto-dismiss AMD. The parts that are non-changeable as I already have them are: PSU,CPU cooler, RAM(from current pc), monitor,and storage(will be getting SSD for OS). I am at my budget limit but a few dollars won't break me. I plan on buying in 1-2 days.


I went with Intel

Here is what I bought with what I already have


The only thing I would change would be to change out the power supply for a Gold rated or higher one. Bronze is plenty fine, I just prefer Gold since it's more efficient and often times more stable (again, Bronze isn't bad). You also won't even come close to using 750w with that build anyways.

Passed that it looks fine to me.

EDIT: I know somebody will mention something about buying Windows when there's Linux, but that's not my forte.

The 8350 is a very capable CPU. It does well in gaming and productivity. Overclocks well too. The Sabertooth board is nice but expensive. An M5A99FX Pro/Evo from Asus will be fine and much cheaper. 

Depending on the games you play it and its Intel equivalent, the i5-4690k, are roughly similar. Some games that prefer single core performance like DayZ or WoW will do better on the Intel but generally they are about the same. Single core games will still be fine and in the end your GPU is really the most important factor. I don't think the increased expense of the Intel CPU is with it. Additionally in productivity like rendering and video editing the AMD will be faster than the i5. 

(I own an 8350 as well as an Intel Xeon 1230v3 (basically an i7-4770) as well as a 4690k.)

Hey, another person in the Xeon club. It feels kinda lonely in the club sometimes.

Basically this.

Thanks, Linux is something I would like to research before jumping into that world. I did change the case as I thought I had already. Appreciate the response.

What about the Asrock 990fx Killer? I would never choose a component purely for aesthetic reasons but if I could keep the rig Black/Red I'd be a happy camper.

Where you gonne use this build for?


Mostly gaming

Then just go withn an i5-4690K realy. no single discussion about it.

Intel haswell cpu´s are just better in gaming, intel cpu´s have much better single threaded performance, games just dont use more then 4 main threads. Thats why intel cpu´s score much higher at minimum fps scores.

in CPU bound games intel cpu´s are just way better, this has nothing to do with intel fanism, but this are just facts.

The FX8350 will bottleneck your GTX970, in every cpu or cpu + gpu bound gaming scenario out there.

And i say this as en FX8350 user.

And im not against AMD, i use amd for allmost 2 years now, and it still works fine, But i just cannot recommend them anymore for gaming. Because of the simple fact that Haswell cpu´s are just better for gaming. And the price diffrence isnt realy a thing.

So my honnest unbiassed recommendation, based on FACTS´s,

just grab a 4690K with Msi Gaming 5 mobo or what not, and GTX970. its worth every single penny.

I agree with two exceptions:

- one is that if the FX8350 is bottlenecking a GTX970, there's something wrong with the mobo, and you're probably having an Asus or other mobo with a multiplexing chip on the PCI bus (which kills performance and kills IOMMU capability at the same time), because the FX8350 shouldn't be bottlenecking a single GPU. In fact, an FX8350 doesn't bottleneck a quad FP W4k OpenCL configuration, and that causes much more instruction and data exchange with the CPU than a mere video game. The chance of bottlenecking a CPU when using an AMD GPU is even lower, when Mantle is supported by the game.

- the other is even more important: one of the most used features of Steam right now is in-home streaming, because it brings the convenience and social context of hardware console gaming to the PC. People that intend on doing in-home streaming, would benefit greatly from the FX8350 over any Intel consumer chip.

FX8350 is bottlenecking every highend gpu out there in cpu bound games, or cpu + gpu bound gaming scenario´s like multiplayer. You can check every reliable sources out there. they will show the same.

The reason why cpu bound games run much better on intel cpu´s with the same GPU then on AMD, is just simply because the AMD is holding the GPU back, which means a CPU bottleneck. Intel cpu´s have much better single threaded performance.

Its realy unfortunate, but this are just hard facts.

No, an 8350 can absolutely bottleneck a single GPU. It just depends on the game. If you're playing a very cpu-hungry (mostly games that use few cores and want heavy single-threaded performance), AMD really blows out there because of how the architecture is built. Skyrim, Ubisoft games in general, BF, MMOs, etc. Not too many games in reality, but it most certainly will happen. 

i can easaly sum up a list of games in which this will happen lol

It happens in more games then you might think ☺

I own an 8350 in my HTPC. I know how it performs. If OP games on an average basis, it's unlikely he'll run into too many games that bottleneck him. Realistically, it's perfectly fine. The GPU is going to make a significantly bigger difference than from an 8350 to a 4690k, though the 4690k is still a fine choice as well 

My most played games right now are Shadow of Mordor and Styx. My 8350 and 4790k perform identically in them. 

So sexy with those red letters  ... wow


edit  ... but I agree  ... if it is for gaming  (mostly) the i5 4679k on a decent Z97 mobo and a $350 GPU

yeah i love red ☺

But in all honnesty, im not going to go to deep into this discussion, because i allready gave my honnest opinnion about it.

I will just follow this thread ☺

color me jealous    lol

No i color you red lol ☺

But now im going to sleep cause im still ill.

im a rebel fools

it's blue in  the preview but not on the site :C