So basically I have done A LOT of research on what to build for my first pc and though that is true I still am not near the knowledge of the masses. SO, I was wondering for a second opinion.
After many months of planning I decided on something that would be semi future proof in the way of desktops. I chose the cpu because ill mainly be gaming/coding, with a little graphic design on the side, and fiddling with a DAW so, something with massive amounts of power wasn't necessary.
The cooler I chose because of it's better temps/ascetics to the h100i.
The motherboard, I will be moving a lot in the next few years, with going off to college so, I didn't want to strap this thing to a modem every time, just to take it down a few months later.
Storage, pretty standard, didn't opt for a ssd yet because I wouldn't really need one.
Ram, I know the 2400 clock speed of it does nothing but it was extremely cheap for 16Gb and matches the color scheme.
Card, r9 290x packs a ton of power atm and is considered top of the line so why not?
Case, wanted mini itx so...
Psu, pretty standard+futureproofing
The cd drive is just for installing windows before the cpu cooler is installed, it will not be in the final build.
So yeah any suggestions?