Need opinions!

So basically I have done A LOT of research on what to build for my first pc and though that is true I still am not near the knowledge of the masses. SO, I was wondering for a second opinion.

After many months of planning I decided on something that would be semi future proof in the way of desktops. I chose the cpu because ill mainly be gaming/coding, with a little graphic design on the side, and fiddling with a DAW so, something with massive amounts of power wasn't necessary.

The cooler I chose because of it's better temps/ascetics to the h100i.

The motherboard, I will be moving a lot in the next few years, with going off to college so, I didn't want to strap this thing to a modem every time, just to take it down a few months later.

Storage, pretty standard, didn't opt for a ssd yet because I wouldn't really need one.

Ram, I know the 2400 clock speed of it does nothing but it was extremely cheap for 16Gb and matches the color scheme.

Card, r9 290x packs a ton of power atm and is considered top of the line so why not?

Case, wanted mini itx so...

Psu, pretty standard+futureproofing

The cd drive is just for installing windows before the cpu cooler is installed, it will not be in the final build.



So yeah any suggestions?


Couple things I see.

H97 motherboard - you won't be able to overclock the i5-4690k in that.  You'll need a Z97 chipset for that.

Hot GPU in an ITX enclosure.  I would highly consider the GTX 970 instead.

Bitfenix Prodigy is large - about the size of a large micro ATX case.  I hope you know that.

Cheap quality power supply.

Some quick changes:

Quieter CPU cooler.  When overclocking in such a small form factor, the performance difference between the various 240mm radiators doesn't matter that much, since airflow is limited.  The 240L has pretty loud fans, but the Nepton 240M is really quiet.

Cheaper RAM from a more reputable brand.

GTX 970 - much lower heat output.

Much better quality power supply.

^ + 1 to that.

Wow! Thanks so much for the improved part list, as I said this is my first build and your help really makes this process easier :].

No problem, everyone has to start somewhere :P I started on this forum 2 years ago, Now i'm taking an education as Data-technician as a 16 year old. I would've made a list, but Some Tech Noob made pretty much what I would've done.