Need Linux driver help , internet connection problem

Just built a new pc, and loaded fedora onto it, I have a Ethernet connection going into the motherboard but fedora is not picking it up. I imagine this is a driver issue? if so how can I can the drivers as the disks don't seem to run. ( then again this is my first rodeo on linux) So I might be missing something.

Thanks any advice was be much appreciated.

Never had the issue and I've installed Fedora 22 probably a dozen times, might help if you tell us about your hardware as far as the NIC and MB along with the version of Fedora your installing.

Most recent 64 bit release , I'm using the NIC that is build into the motherboard, the motherboard being the MSI B150 M3

Post the output of the lspci command. I bet it's a killer NIC.

So the MB uses the Killer™ E2400 Gigabit LAN controller which might not be supported in the newest version of Fedora which should be version 23, I looked on the Killer web site and I don't see drivers for Linux you might try going to Fedora 22.

which part do you want ??

Thanks ill try 22

Well I was interested to know which NIC you have, but now I know you have a Killer NIC e2400.

You might follow @spidernet first he may be able to help you get there with your current install.

ok, i will

Will 23 not work with that nic

The Asrock board I'm using has the Qualcomm® Atheros® Killer™ E2200 Series Gigabit LAN which I'd guess is a generation behind yours and I have no issues with it being recognized by Fedora 22.

With killer NICs you must go up in releases. There slowly improving with each Linux version. There are no manufacture drivers for it. And older kernels just wont work full stop.

In saying that, there are no Linux releases as far as im away that work with the 2400 unless you manually patch the alx kernel driver for it.

You can do so by following these instructions

You can get the kernel sources for fedora using dnf download --source kernel or dnf install --source kernel

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I can't find a 22 download on the fedora website?

@andrewidea, @blanger the driver that supports killer NICs is called alx and as far as I know only supports NICs up to the E2200, in order to make it support the E2400 you have to modify or patch the driver.

Don't think I'm experienced enough to do that

Is my only option to install 22 instead ??

No as that has even less support for killer NICs. Your option is to patch the driver or but a cheap NIC (which the latter is probably the easiest and quickest option)

Will TP-LINK TG-3269 PCI Ethernet Card be compatible ??

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Yes it is....