Need in put

hi everyone i'm building a new pc, i have a few of the parts already. but i would still like anyones input.

parts list:

my budget is $1,100


Use the correct link :D

fixed it lol

This build is damn near identical to the build I did last summer. The only difference, I had the cheaper model version of that Apevia case, the 2 GB version of that graphics card, I didn't have a SSD, and my power supply was 80 plus gold. Other than that, very close build. I will say, it is a good build. Although you will be looking to upgrade after about a year like I did, because it will run anything, but you will start to want to run things with a bit better settings, then overclock some more to reach them. Then realize you are out of overclocking headroom and be stuck until you save up enough to upgrade.

Note: That cpu cooler isn't bad but don't expect to OC much, most I ever got was 4.3 Ghz and it was running hot and loud. Also, make sure you lock that Hitachi drive in tight because it will vibrate alot. Get the 2 gig version of that card, hell, I could sell you mine if you are interested. The thing is already overclocked to the max while remaining stable (hours and hours of OC testing and editing of the cards BIOS).

Another Note; I think it's really funny to see a build that looks just like what my rig was when I first built it.

what kind of gaming do you do on your rig?

I play a lot of different games. Mostly PlanetSide 2. I just upgraded my CPU heatsink and graphics card last week, so everything runs better. But prior to upgrade, I could play PS2 on high settings and get 50-60 fps, Modded skyrim, 30 fps, modded New Vegas 45 fps, Crysis 2 high settings 40 fps. Most older games, MAX settings and over 60 fps. That EVGA 650 Ti Boost card is surprisingly powerful, and if you fully unlock it, it rivals a GTX 660. I just installed a GTX 770 and a Hyper evo 212 because I wanted my rig to power through everything 1080p and be able to overclock harder. My 650 ti boost and CM heatsink are sitting in my closet now.

dam that's pretty good fps

yeah its surprisingly powerful. It helps that EVGA bins their superclocked cards well and put a great cooler on them. It will handle some serious overclocking. The only thing that will kill you is the hardware voltage limiter built into the card that only lets you go up to 1.212 volts. Blame Nvidia for that. 

dam. i may get a evga 770 instead  of the msi one.

It still is, of course, pure luck on what piece of silicon you get.  EVGA has great coolers and support.  If the price of the EVGA is greater than $10, then just stick with the MSI.