Need help!

I plan on buying these for a PC I'm going to build in the next few weeks and I'll ask my questions after the Specs.

CPU - AMD A10-5800k Trinity

Mobo - MSI FM2-A55-E33 FM2 AMD A55

Ram - G.Skills Ripjaws X Series 8GB(4GBx2) 1866Mhz

HDD - Seagate Barracuda 320GB 7200 RPM

PSU - Corsair Builder Series CX500 500W

And just a cheap optical drive.


Ok so this is the PC I plan on building (my starting gaming PC) and i wanted to know a good case that i can get that has good airflow for a cheap price maybe like $50-$70 around that range. And I also wanted to know how this build will be with Battlefield 3 and Far Cry 3, like what FPS it will run at and stuff.

You wont run anything without a decent graphics card. . . . and for the case I personally would suggest 

BitFenix Shinobi

yes you wont able to runn bf3 on just an apu

maybe better to go for a  normal  setup with gpu card, budget?

I've seen videos of that APU running Battlefield 3 fine without and extra GPU, and my friend has the same APU and he was playing Battlefield 3 on it, but he didn't show me any setting or what FPS it was running at.

After googleing your mobo it looks like a M-ATX so you can get one of these for around £30 (uk) $40 US.   (you can get it at amazon or new egg)

Your going to have a real tuff time trying to run battlefeald 3 at eny kind of playable frame rate and you may whant to crossfire that APU with a HD 6670 video card (you can get a good one for £50)

And spend the extra $8 on the psu and get the Corsair Builder Series CXM 500W Modular 80 PLUS so you whont have a huge bunch of extra cables lose inside your case that will help with airflow


Ok so is there any way i could get a gaming PC around $450 and still able to play BF3 at a playbale framerate? I've been seeing comps on newegg for around that price with a AMD HD 7750 with 8GB of RAM and a AMD FX-4100 CPU, with shipping of course. I've just been haering that building your own is a lot cheaper but after seeing that Comp idk if i can make my own as good as that for a lower price.

if you are looking to play BF3 on pc you should get the HIS icooler Radion 7770 graphics card since the CPU  allready has graphics to play BF3 at its lower settings This is a cheap card that will maby make you play the game on high settings hope this helps


That sounds like a reasonable combo from new egg you will be able to play bf3 on that at low setings @1080

and much better @720 

 500$ -

I might go with Poptarts build, thats really good for $500

Yes thats not a bad build and the cpu is much better than the fx4100 in the new egg combo