Need help with picture transitions

I need some help. I'm working on a website for a class and want to do a picture transition like the one on b-reel . If any of you could help me in the code required to do this or a alliterative to it I would appreciate it.

you should be able to do it with jquery 


instead of left:"250px" you can choose almost evry other css element like width, height, background, and change it

you might need to do a jquery function which animates the background , to put an layer of transperent black over the image if you hover over one of them and then make the description box move up or change the height

you should look at or to get started with jquery its not that hard

Hope i was able to help ;-)

Also! If it doesn't look to great when moving the pictures in CSS apply this:

Overflow: hidden;

(just a small thing that pops up from time to time)