Hi, I am new to PC gaming and want to build my own rig but I need some help with the parts. I have most of what I need to build my PC:http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/AfroCanadian/saved/1qnQ
I'm missing a motherboard because I'm having difficulty choosing one, I want to keep my rig under $800. Any help to lower costs would be greatly appreciated as well, Thank you in advance. I am Canadian if that factors into anything.
Also, do I need an Optical drive if I plan on pirating windows? I am planning on running this on my 1080p 48" tv which is about 2 metres(about 6 1/2 feet) away from the couch, does anyone know if this will be a good setup(will text be legible? will menus need to be up scaled?) Thanks again for the help
I put you in a mouse anyway. Yes you will need an optical drive as you will need to burn it to a disk then load it. Unless you have an external one, then you could use that. Also the RAM you had put in there was laptop RAM so I swapped it out.
1080p is 1080p regardless of screen size and will be effectively just stretched out to fit the screen but should still look good at you will be a fair distane away.
don't pirate windows, if you have to get the OS for free, use linux
Have a look at the ASUS Sabretooth MB, It is over your budget, It has suport for your CPU and it will not limit you in the future, If you have a ISO image then you do not need a Optical drive to install the OS.Use a powered USB hub instead of a wireless keyboard.
you could use a usb storage device instead of a disk so a optical drive may not be needed
Are there any guides for doing this?
Your still going to have to somehow get it onto the USB drive which would require a optical drive...
Haha whoops, thanks, I do already have a wireless mouse, sorry I forgot to mention it. I noticed you changed the case for one at the same price, was there something wrong with the case?(just out of curiosity)
I do have access to a laptop with an optical drive
But then I won't be able to play many games, and frankly they overprice windows
http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ (for linux os)
+ a cheap usb 2.0 flash stick
Are you sure you want wireless keyboard and mouse?
Those things are not for gaming only multimedia, lag is too big...
Thanks a lot man, I think I'll do that
I won't have a choice if my rig is plugged into the tv but I heard that the logitech k750 has relatively low lag