Ok well i need help with on choosing a CPU i'm on a budget about to move to another house within the next 4 months or so got a minimum wage job pays 7.50 an hour and I want to pick out a AMD CPU that i can overclock and cool it well without it getting super hot someone help please!
ditto that I have that havnt tried over locking but it's always cool
FX-6300 and a Noctua D14 air cooler will allow for medium to semi crazy OCs
Yeah, the FX-6300 is probably the best bang for your buck. For a cooler, I recommend the Thermalright True Spirit 140 POWER. Excellent performance for ~$50 bucks.
What are you going to use the machine for, and what is the budget?
if its for gaming, which games you play?
Yep am running 6300 right now and its good, dont use a stock cooler through, even just get something like a CoolerMaster Evo.
Yep, 6300 is a great overclocker. Mine is running at 4,65 Ghz with a Thermalright HR Macho Cooler nice and quiet. If I was a more patient and better overclocker, this probably wouldn't even be the end of it. I had it running at 4,9 Ghz already, it even ran Cinebench but always got stuck in Prime95.
8350 best bang for the buck, trust me, you can run it on air, and you don't even have to overclock, it's just good, cheap, and powerful out of the box. Tried and true.
Just to give another opinion, for a budget gaming rig I would consider;
AMD Athlon X4 860k
AMD FX 4300 (if available for a lot less than a FX 6300)
Intel Pentium G3258 Anniversary K edition
That covers all of the current socket types. The advantages of the Intel and the Athlon are they are not yet 'dead' sockets where as the FX uses AM3+ which definitely isn't having anything new developed for it.
Personally I would go with the Pentium because;
1. I play lightly threaded CPU limited games.
2. It overclocks extremely well
3. I can upgrade it to model with extra cores later.
4. It is not on a dead socket (yet).
Points 2 & 3 work for the AMD FX, and points 2 & 4 apply to the Athlon.
At the end of the day it all comes down to budget and if the FX 6300 of FX 8350 and 'decent' mobo is available to you within budget you'll unlikely be disappointed.
If budget is really tight you could go with a lesser model FM2 or Socket 1150 chip and plan to upgrade later. If you put up what your budget actually is and what you need (monitor, keyboard, windows licence etc.) some one really helpful will use partpicker to select a good build for you.
As an edit to my last post, I should have said Athlon 760k as they are usually cheaper than the 860k and performance is as good.