Need HELP with choosing reservoir & pump!

I need help with choosing the right pump and reservoir for my system with a waterloop for my Intel i7-3770k CPU. I want a pump that can pump FAST!!! I have chosen 1/2"ID(Internal Diameter)-3/4"OD(Outer Diameter) tubing. The radiator i've chosen is the Koolgate 3x120-60 Full Copper Plated radiator. EK Supremacy Full Copper is the waterblock. 

My case is the Cooler Master Cosmos II Ultra Tower:

There is the insides, it's a large case so much wil fit inside.

I live in Norway and there is only ONE store that truly provide water cooling equipment. I will list a "list" of pumps that are on sale at (please click this)

So what pump do you recommend? 

The D5's are Prett damn powerful so that would be a good choice, although i personally would be getting an MCP35X because its PWM and Quieter, Most Pumps will be fine accomidating larger Tubing sizes ect. 

Which also begs the question, why the large tubing ?

I thought Singularity Computer and a lot of other youtubers that have experience reccomend that tubing. So I thought it was the norm these days! 

Check for more pumps. Should not be a problem buying from Norway.


The Standard is 3/8 inner 5/8 OD tubing, if youd call it a standard.