Need help with archlinux-keyring and gmp and DNSmasq and network manager

Hi, I’m not sure where this goes. But, I need help with a few things.

I’m having trouble installing archlinux-keyring. But, it won’t stay installed. It says warning it’s up to date and reinstalling resolving dependencies.

Some reason network manager, gmp and DNSmasq are in conflicts too.

I did installed discover store on storm os gnome arch Linux.

I thought it would been ok. Then I found another app that has same programs.

So how do I fix this since everything is corrupted?

But, I need to solve these two first.

Did you also let the keyring verify?

Network manager you could replace with something less feature rich and use whatever the other two are, but you are gnome, so no. You can only use network manager and its features, unless you force it and lookup for some manuals.

Flatpaks you can delete from the store where you installed it from or terminal.

You could do pacman -Syuu
And see if it works. If not downgrade the kernel and upgrade again. That could help, with something.

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keyring vertify?

how do i do that?

will that also solve the unkown key installed in local database too?

i see, so for gmp and dnsmasq it can create conflicts.

cause when i try to install it.

it says: gmp: /usr/include/gmp.h exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/include/gmpxx.h exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gmp.pc exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gmpxx.pc exists in filesystem
gmp: /usr/share/info/ exists in filesystem

i vertified it and it says: gpg: can’t open ‘archlinux-keyring’: No such file or directory
gpg: verify signatures failed: No such file or directory

Gmp seems to be installed then

You need to update the arch keyring.

How did you install dnsmasq? Gmp should not conflict with dnsmasq, ever.

Can you post the output of pacman -Qet?

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dnsmasq comes with gmp.

im assuming thats how it works. cause everytime when i type it. it gives me that.

it feels like its not installed, but at the sametime it gives me that error.

when i typed pacman -Qet ? it says: pacman: invalid option – ‘?’

so everytime i typed in dnsmasq. with yay -S dnsmasq. it be atatched with gmp.

what can i do then? how to update it fully so it can correct the issues?

yup, cant install other apps as of now.

needs fixing…

yup, defiantly conflict maybe related to dnsmasq and gmp and network manager.

seems to be the case, even though the above supposedly works. it says erro: package not found when typing pacman -Qi gmp.

i think i found my problem which is effecting network and probably the arch linux-keyring.

welp, i was hoping that would fix it. darn.

but i was able to get those two installed.

i used the sudo find /var/lib/pacman/local/ -type f -name “desc” -exec sed -i ‘/^%INSTALLED_DB%$/,+2d’ {} ;

to solve all of those unkown keys. still with the archlinux-keyring

which maybe a unkown key installed in local database.

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You can use pacman -Qo $FILE to find out what package owns a file.

So; pacman -Qo /usr/lib/ will give us quite a bit of insight into what’s happening here.

That’s… not right. Did you copy+paste or actually type it? Because it… ahem works on my machine.

Should look like this:


Ohhh, wait. Don’t include the “?” Sorry, my compulsion to use correct grammar and punctuation got me… :frowning:

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the sudo pacman -Qet works nowlol.

i was able to install gmp. now its the archlinux-keyring issue next.

not sure how to fix that one on what it needs.

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i think im slowly figuring it out. the archlinux-keyring may have just been solved. not sure yet. im still reinstalling the programs that were in conflicts. including removing them.

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how do you get tab-compeltion to work?

will fontconfig gconf autoconf storm os gnome arch linux conf pkgconf kconfigs be in conflict?

what about these? yay -S xorg-xrefresh xorg-xprop xorg-xpr xorg-xkbutils xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xev xorg-xauth xorg-server-xephyr xorg-server xorg-mkfontscale xorg-iceauth xmlto xz xrectsel xorgproto xfce4-artwork xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-power-manager xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-screensaver xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-terminal xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfsprogs xfwm4 xl2tpd xcb-proto xcb-util-cursor xcb-util-image xcb-util-wm xcompmgr xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-utils xcb-util-wm wireless-regdb wireless_tools upower syslinux ppp mkinitcpio mkinitcpio-nfs-utils mkinitcpio-openswap mlocate mtools man-pages man-db lynx lvm2 linux-firmware linux-atm libgnome-keyring leafpad iwd

The package manager will tell you if a package is in conflict, that’s what those checks are for.

Depends on what shell you’re using. echo $0 will tell you that.

If you’re on bash, bash-completion package can handle it.

source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
The above line needs to be added to your bashrc

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i see, so the pacman -Qet is the command for conflicts? oh. so all the greens mean theya re in conflict if i understood correctly?

for the tab-compeltion. there is a conflict with it on the warnigns. so what could be conflict with?

where would the source line you mention go to? in my bashrc file?

source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion

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adobe-source-sans-fonts 3.052-2
adw-gtk3 5.2-1
alsa-utils 1.2.12-1
amd-ucode 20240703.e94a2a3b-1
appmenu-gtk-module 24.05-1
arch-install-scripts 28-2
awesome-terminal-fonts 1.1.0-5
axel 2.17.14-1
b43-fwcutter 019-5
base 3-2
base-devel 1-1
bind 9.18.27-1
bluez-utils 5.77-1
cachyos-keyring 20240331-1
cachyos-mirrorlist 18-1
cachyos-v3-mirrorlist 18-1
cachyos-v4-mirrorlist 6-1
chaotic-keyring 20230616-1
chaotic-mirrorlist 20240306-1
cmake 3.30.0-1
cups-pdf 3.0.1-8
darkhttpd 1.16-1
dconf-editor 45.0.1-1
ddrescue 1.28-1
dialog 1:1.3_20240619-2
dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-15
dxvk-bin 2.3-1
edk2-shell 202311-1
efitools 1.9.2-5
encfs 1.9.5-7
espeakup 0.90-3
etcher-bin 1.18.11-1
fatresize 1.1.0-2
ffmpegthumbs 24.05.2-1
fsarchiver 0.8.7-2
gamemode 1.8.1-2
gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-10
gnome-disk-utility 46.0-1
gnome-software 46.3-1
gnu-netcat 0.7.1-10
gparted 1.6.0-1
grub 2:2.12-2
gst-plugin-gtk 1.24.5-2
gstreamer-vaapi 1.24.5-2
gtk-engine-murrine 0.98.2-4
gucharmap 15.1.1-1
gufw 24.04-2
gutenprint 5.3.4-3
handbrake-cli 1.8.1-1
haveged 1.9.18-2
hplip 1:3.24.4-1
htop 3.3.0-3
inetutils 2.5-1
intel-ucode 20240531-1
kitty-terminfo 0.35.2-1
kvantum 1.1.2-1
laptop-detect 0.16-2
leafpad 0.8.19-2
lib32-gamemode 1.8.1-1
libappindicator-gtk2 12.10.0.r298-4
libertinus-font 7.040-3
libgnome-keyring 1:3.12.0+r14+g23438cc-1
libva-nvidia-driver 0.0.12-1
livecd-sounds 1.0-3
localsend-bin 1.14.0-3
lsscsi 0.32-2
lynx 2.9.2-1
man-db 2.12.1-1
man-pages 6.9.1-1
mc 4.8.31-3
mcfly 0.9.0-1
memtest86+ 7.00-1
mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-3
mousepad 0.6.2-2
mtpfs 1.1-5
nano 8.1-1
nbd 3.26.1-1
ncdu 2.4-1
ndisc6 1.0.8-1
nemo-audio-tab 6.2.0-1
nemo-emblems 6.2.0-1
nemo-engrampa 6.2.0-1
nemo-fileroller 6.2.0-1
nemo-folder-icons 3.0.1-3
nemo-image-converter 6.2.0-1
nemo-media-columns 6.2.0-1
nemo-mediainfo-tab 1.0.4-2
nemo-preview 6.2.0-1
nemo-repairer 6.2.0-1
neofetch 7.1.0-2
net-tools 2.10-2
network-manager-applet 1.36.0-1
networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.10-2
networkmanager-openvpn 1.12.0-1
networkmanager-pptp 1.2.12-3
nfs-utils 2.6.4-1
nmap 7.95-1
ntp 4.2.8.p18-1
numlockx 1.2-6
nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1
nvme-cli 2.9.1-1
octopi 0.16.2-1
oh-my-bash-git r477.24bd7e7-1
open-vm-tools 6:12.4.5-1
osmo 0.4.4-2
pacutils 0.14.0-1
parole 4.18.1-2
partclone 0.3.31-1
partimage 0.6.9-15
perl-data-dump 1.25-5
pkgfile 21-2
plasma-framework5 5.116.0-1
plymouth 24.004.60-8
preload 0.6.4-7
python-distutils-extra 2.39-13
python-mpv 1.0.7-1
python-sphinx_rtd_theme 1.3.0-2
python-tomlkit 0.12.5-1
qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-26
qt5ct 1.8-2
qt6-tools 6.7.2-2
qt6gtk2 0.2-3
reflector 2023-2
ristretto 0.13.2-1
rp-pppoe 4.0-1
rxvt-unicode-terminfo 9.31-5
scrot 1.11.1-1
sdparm 1.12-1
sg3_utils 1.47-2
simple-scan 46.0-1
speedtest-cli 2.1.3-8
spice 0.15.2-1
spice-gtk 0.42-4
spice-vdagent 0.22.1-4
splix 2.0.1-1
stormos-conf 5.0-1
stormos-grub-theme 1.0-1
syslinux 6.04.pre2.r11.gbf6db5b4-4
system-config-printer 1.5.18-4
tcpdump 4.99.4-2
tela-icon-theme-bin 2024.04.05-1
terminus-font 4.49.1-7
testdisk 7.2-1
tex-gyre-fonts 2.501-3
timeshift 24.06.2-1
tlp 1.6.1-1
tmux 3.4-9
ttf-fira-code 6.2-2
ttf-fira-mono 2:3.206-4
ttf-font-awesome 6.5.2-1
ttf-hack 3.003-7
ttf-hack-nerd 3.2.1-2
ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-4
ttf-jetbrains-mono 2.304-2
ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd 3.2.1-2
ttf-joypixels 8.0.0-2
ttf-opensans 1.101-3
ttf-roboto 2.138-5
ttf-ubuntu-font-family 1:0.83-2
udiskie 2.5.3-1
vala 0.56.17-1
virtualbox-guest-utils 7.0.18-1
virtualbox-host-dkms 7.0.18-1
vkd3d 1.11-1
vlc 3.0.21-1
whois 5.5.23-1
wipe 2.3.1-5
wireless_tools 30.pre9-4
wmctrl 1.07-6
wvdial 1.61-9
xautolock 2.2-7
xboxdrv 0.8.8-7
xcb-util-xrm 1.3-3
xcompmgr 1.1.9-3
xcursor-vanilla-dmz 0.4.5-3
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.11-3
xf86-input-elographics 1.4.4-1
xf86-input-evdev 2.10.6-4
xf86-input-vmmouse 13.2.0-2
xf86-video-dummy 0.4.1-2
xf86-video-fbdev 0.5.0-4
xf86-video-vesa 2.6.0-2
xfburn 0.7.1-1
xfce4-appfinder 4.18.1-2
xfce4-artwork 0.1.1a_git20110420-6
xfce4-battery-plugin 1.1.5-2
xfce4-clipman-plugin 1.6.6-1
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 1.2.8-2
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 1.2.10-1
xfce4-dict 0.8.6-1
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.7.0-2
xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.6.0-2
xfce4-fsguard-plugin 1.1.3-2
xfce4-genmon-plugin 4.2.0-2
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 1.3.1-2
xfce4-mount-plugin 1.1.6-2
xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.5.3-2
xfce4-netload-plugin 1.4.1-2
xfce4-notes-plugin 1.11.0-1
xfce4-power-manager 4.18.4-1
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 0.4.8-1
xfce4-screenshooter 1.10.6-1
xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.4.4-2
xfce4-session 4.18.4-1
xfce4-settings 4.18.6-1
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.5.2-2
xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.3.2-2
xfce4-taskmanager 1.5.7-1
xfce4-terminal 1.1.3-1
xfce4-time-out-plugin 1.1.3-2
xfce4-timer-plugin 1.7.2-2
xfce4-verve-plugin 2.0.3-2
xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.6.3-2
xfce4-weather-plugin 0.11.2-1
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2.8.3-1
xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.8.3-2
xfdesktop 4.18.1-2
xfwm4-themes 4.10.0-6
xl2tpd 1.3.18-1
xmlto 0.0.29-1
xorg-bdftopcf 1.1.1-2
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.4-3
xorg-sessreg 1.1.3-2
xorg-smproxy 1.0.7-2
xorg-x11perf 1.6.2-2
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.3-4
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.6-2
xorg-xcursorgen 1.0.8-2
xorg-xdriinfo 1.0.7-2
xorg-xev 1.2.6-1
xorg-xgamma 1.0.7-2
xorg-xinput 1.6.4-2
xorg-xkbevd 1.1.5-2
xorg-xkbprint 1.0.6-2
xorg-xkbutils 1.0.6-1
xorg-xkill 1.0.6-2
xorg-xlsatoms 1.1.4-2
xorg-xlsclients 1.1.5-2
xorg-xpr 1.2.0-1
xorg-xrefresh 1.1.0-1
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.3-2
xorg-xvinfo 1.1.5-2
xorg-xwd 1.0.9-2
xorg-xwud 1.0.6-2
xrectsel 0.3.2-1
zensu 0.3-7

here’s all of mine.

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