Need help with a custom loop for X99 First custom loop!

Ive had 2 of the cooler master glacer 240's die on me now so ide just like to build a custom loop for just the cpu right now and i need some help i dont even really kno where to start and im sure you guys have some knowledge on the subject thanks in advance!

Ide like to use a 360mm rad and thats all i really kno at this point

case corsair 730t

Motherboard asrock extreme 4 2011-3


Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors ive been drinking a bit

i would check out one of the alphacool or EK kits as well as one of jaystwocents's videos on how to get started


Ok man sounds good and sorry i had some family bs come up and wasnt at my house for a couple days and my dam phone will not log in to the site for some reason.


Going from an AIO to a full custom loop is costly in both time and money, however if I was you I'd ensure I get a decent pump so that later on you can add radiators and GPU blocks and such.