Need Help w/ PSU

Ok so here is my build 

-- Its changed up from my first one because I got a solid deal on the GPUs and the Mobo

-- I know i need 550w min to power it but I need to make sure the PSU has the right connections for Xfire

im looking at these two PSUs

(note I need them to come from amazon and be under $75ish)



If you have any better ideas for what i need feel free to link them!


but i cant tell if the PSU has the 2 rails for the cross fire. I guess I should have posted that too.

If you go gold or platinum rated, you'll typically only use a max of around 200-300 watts. You'll also save a good deal of money per month depending on how often the PC is on. You aren't gunna find one for under $75 though but you'd be better off waiting a couple weeks or however long to get a more reliable PSU. The importance of a good reliable PSU is often ignored.

but would i still need it to be rated at 550+ if it where gold or plat?

Yeah I would still get 550-700 gold/plat. You definitely don't want too little but more often than not, people get way more than the recommended safe margin.

As an example I idle 100-150w, max 300-350w on a 760w platinum PSU running a 4.5ghz amd fx 6350 with a r9 290x, 4 drives, and 4 sticks of memory.

ok cool deal. So i'll keep that in mind. My other big question is how can I tell 

Gotta get something like this: