Here's my current specs:
I'm looking to either upgrade or buy a new PC and I was wondering which would be cheaper for me, either upgrading or selling current build and building a new one. I was wondering what you think this build would be worth that way I could decide where to go, because if I upgrade my build I will need a new GPU, PSU, mobo, and an SSD. So I don't know which way to go. Any help would be appreciated.
It seems as though everything is pretty recent still, so I can image that you'd save any money by rebuilding completely, that's the beauty with PCs. I'd say your GFX card is probably you weakest link, thrown in an R9 290X if you're keen to AMD, or even something like a GTX 980, and that thing will be boss.
I also noticed no mention of any SSDs, that's like rule number 1 of anyone trying to squeeze more performance out of their machines, so grab one of those, and use the 2TB drive strictly for programs, games, and media.