Need help really quickly!

So i've been putting together my desktop and i'm almost done but I ran into a problem when trying to put in the graphics card, the stupid locking arm or whatever it's called is stopping the card from going in, the arm itself is fine but this little angled part is to wide and stops the card from fitting, basically i need help as to what to do about this, i've outlined the problem in the picture


That lock slides to the rear (to the right in the photo)

If you're very carefully all you need to do is take a razer blade and slide some of the extra plastic off, it should be thinner like this

And I mean VERY VERY carefully, touch/slice the mobo in the process and you'll most likey brick it.

that is ofcourse If it is excess plastic and not some kind of lock I've seen before, Check the mobos manual

@ admiral snackbar ... It's not the lock that is the problem as i said the part outlined in red is, it's some stupid angled piece that is way to wide and stops the card from fitting


@njm112 ... i really don't wanna take a razor blade to it plus i dont think id even be able to cut it off with a razor its pretty thick

most likely a defect from the factory when the slot was molded. 

no duh im not stupid i know the black bar slides but that bit you covered up with the red squiggles doesnt move at all its molded to the slot


Looking at pics of it online I think it is excess plastic

that is if this is the same board

OP, can you post the link for the image ?

Admiral, i think it's a trap laid out by the pci-e bracket itself. There's just too much plastic at the end of it, which won't fit through the cut that the GPU pcb has at that position. The photo is a bit small, so i might be wrong.

yea thats the same board, im also pretty sure its excess plastic since its not smoothed and i can see a small gap where the indent should be like in the picture njm posted, is their anyway to completely remove the locking mechanism so i can get it out that way?

imgur mirror

in that case you can either send it back (RMA) or slice it off... (maybe find a friend who has fine motorskills)

You can only slice the board if you slicedownwards at it btw.

/Or/ how think is the flange? can you just mash through it? (not always recommended) if it's really thin you probably can. also you're not likely to bust the GPU because the PCB is pretty strong AND there are no traces on the latch part

is pretty thick, thicker than the gap in the gpu's pcb by itself then theirs the regular plastic where the gap is on top of that so pushing through it definitely won't work =/


this may be stupid to ask but is it safe to cut off the yellowish pcb lock part on the gpu, i could have sworn i read somewhere before when i got my first video card that it's ok to bend or break them off but don't remember for sure so i figured id ask

RMA is the wisest decision. Other than that...a hot blade and a steady hand maybe ?

i would RMA it but i've already had to wait forever to get these parts and i have everything put together i really dont want to take it all back about and send it out to get fixed and have to wait god knows how long also id most likely have to pay to ship it and won't get refunded for that, not sure about that part though as i've never had to rma something


i also just realized i already put the cpu and cpu fan in so id have to take them out and get new thermal paste so i really don't wanna have to do that =/

The main question is if you have warranty and if you care about it. If only one of the parts has warranty, then mod the other. If they both have warranty, just rma the mobo, if you can. Any physical modification / damage will probably void it.

Time to slice!

I've never seen this defect before though.

Thanks for all the help everyone, I called Gigabyte and the lady I spoke with asked me to send her a picture of the defect through email so I sent her the same one I posted here, and she kept saying she didn't see anything wrong and that she was holding the motherboard in her hand and that was how it was supposed to look, she then proceeded to send me a picture back of her motherboard that didn't have the defect and you could very clearly see the difference so I sent her another picture that was more of a close up (even though the picture is high resolution and you can zoom in and see very clearly) and then she said she saw it and it was definitely a defect and told me I have to contact Amazon to have them replace it since that's where I ordered it from, even though I ordered it brand new and Amazon is one of their retailers >.< But anyways I decided screw that since even if they did replace it i'd have to take it all apart and ship it out tomorrow or whenever they send me the shipping label and wait for god knows how long for a replacement, and the worst part which is really why I choose not to is since I already put the cpu and cpu fan in i'd have to take it out and likely but stuff to clean the thermal paste off and buy new thermal paste to apply so i'd be out money, so i decided to take out my trusty lighter and a couple sewing needles and proceeded to heat them up and use that to take out the excess plastic and after almost 3 hours I finally got it done and got my gpu in although it was such a slow and annoying process but I wanted to be careful especially towards the end when the plastic was thinning towards where the gpu plugs in, but thankfully everything seems to work fine I finished wiring everything up and plugs it in and at first was worried because I was getting output to the monitor then I switched it to my tv and realized it was actually already using the gpu's hdmi output for video albeit in a messed up resolution but I was surprised since my last comp needed me to install the drivers to use the gpu's output. But yea thankfully all is good and working, just waiting now for my batteries to finish charging in my camera that i'm using as a flash drive to install windows 7 since I stupidly didn't realize they were half dead, but once that's done and I get windows installed it's gaming time =D