Need Help on Setting Up Hardware Passthrough on Ubuntu 3930K

yeah i'll need that please.

that search was on my entire SSD and that's the complete list of files and folders.

what's weird is that :

t@tsu:~$ sudo apt install ovmf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
ovmf is already the newest version (0~20161202.7bbe0b3e-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

as for steam i've done a complete reinstall of my system re-created the ZFS pools and remounted to home and rsync-ed and even though i still get that error message steam runs and operates correctly once i close it. ideally i'd like for this message to no longer show up at all but maybe we'll figure that out later :slight_smile:

also I'm really curious is all of this even possible with the ZFS part mounted on another hard drive then the boot and without moving home? does this requirement come from most linux distros not giving you the option to install software in separate locations as seems to be the case?

That's just baffling. @Eden, who's knowledgeable with the intricacies of steam? I'm a bit clueless on this one.

this page will help you with building OVMF from source and manually installing it.

replace the dnf command with the following:

sudo apt install build-essential nasm uuid-dev acpica-tools

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here.

Are you trying to not use zfs for /home? If that's the case, you can absolutely do that. I just use it that way because it's my preference.

You can also set up steam to store files in another location as long as your user owns the directory.

yeah but then how do i tell virt-manager to create the raw image within that mountpoint it doesn't seem as though at any point in the process it allows us to choose it's placement.

also when in virt-manager i create the raw file even though nautilus (file browser) detects 2.9Tera of free space virt-manager only detects 200GB and if i create the 2.9T raw image system immediately opens up a warning of no more space on drive (obviously the system doesn't slow down or anything but it seems as though I'm set up wrong and when i write more than the free 200GB of my SSD I will run into issues)

There's a step, 4/5 in virt-manager.

Choose "Select or create custom storage" then you can configure a custom location.

I'm going to need a couple things before we can continue:

  1. what's the path of your VM's disk? You can access it from this page:
  2. what's the output of df -h
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t@tsu:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            7,8G     0  7,8G   0% /dev
tmpfs           1,6G   11M  1,6G   1% /run
/dev/sda2       219G  218G     0 100% /
tmpfs           7,9G  554M  7,3G   7% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5,0M  4,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           7,9G     0  7,9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdc1       3,4T  2,7T  523G  84% /mnt/4TBVolume
/dev/sda1       572M  3,5M  569M   1% /boot/efi
ThreeTera/home  2,7T   11G  2,7T   1% /home
tmpfs           1,6G  140K  1,6G   1% /run/user/1000

wait i just found this :

do I point to the ZFS mountpoint add that then add a raw image there that takes the whole space ?

It appears that your root partition is completely full. This is most likely because you created a filesystem in the default storage directory which is /var/lib/libvirt. This image needs to be deleted soon otherwise you'll run into serious issues. Linux REALLY doesn't like to be out of space on root.

I wouldn't. A zvol would perform faster.

For this, you want to make a zvol from zfs on the terminal, then point your new storage pool to /dev/zvol and in there, there should be some directories that match your pool paths. Find the proper path to your zvol and use that.

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I don't think i've come across that before..


Oh, I was asking if you knew anyone else who might be of assistance, maybe I should have been more specific.

This is an odd issue, but it may turn out to be related to the root partition being out of space. I wasn't aware of that issue originally.

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no these two things happened on two separate time frames. steam not running was after doing a rsync -arv /home-old /home

then I reinstalled and did the whole thing again and then steam displayed the message but ran when i closed it. then I created the big image file but that didn't cause any issue because i deleted it. I then tried (as I did last time) to copy over home unmount the zfs and put home back in it's place but this left almost every app dysfunctional so i reinstalled ubuntu.

Ok so here's what I've done :

ZFS part (composed of the 1T and 2T) mounted to the ext4 4T drive

will try to do a zvol there though I haven't understood it

in the meantime the SDD will hold native linux steam (not it's games) and no fiddling with the home partition.

I've remade the ZFS part and successfully (I think) made it into a zvol :

t@tsu:~$ sudo zpool destroy pool
t@tsu:~$ sudo zpool create -f pool /dev/sdd /dev/sdb
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs create -V 2900gb pool/vol
cannot create 'pool/vol': out of space
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs create -V 2800gb pool/vol
cannot create 'pool/vol': out of space
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs create -V 2000gb pool/vol
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs destroy pool/vol
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs create -V 2700gb pool/vol
cannot create 'pool/vol': out of space
t@tsu:~$ sudo zfs create -V 2600gb pool/vol

there is indeed a /dev/zvol folder that was created in there :

onwards to compiling ovmf

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@SgtAwesomesauce ugh hate to fail once again but I can't get past even the first line dnf isn't in the repos and I think it's the only proper way to install the listed dependencies which ...again aren't in the repos.

edit: it looks like dnf is fedora's apt-get. so i don't need it.. but that doesn't solve my missing package issues

Don't worry about that. That's because dnf isn't for Ubuntu.

You're going to want to refer to my post, and instead of using that command, use the following:

sudo apt install build-essential nasm uuid-dev acpica-tools

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@SgtAwesomesauce any idea here ?:

t@tsu:~/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-1.0.2j$ patch -p1 -i ../EDKII_${OPENSSL_VER}.patch
patch: **** Can't open patch file ../EDKII_openssl-1.0.2j.patch : No such file or directory

I've gone and listed the files of both that folder and the parent (and the children) but there are no .patch files.

t@tsu:~/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-1.0.2j$ ls
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS  certs           Configure     doc      FAQ           INSTALL        INSTALL.NW   INSTALL.W64  Makefile  openssl.doxy  README         ssl    VMS
apps             CHANGES         CONTRIBUTING  engines  GitConfigure    INSTALL.OS2  INSTALL.WCE  Makefile.bak     ms           openssl.spec  README.ASN1    test
appveyor.yml     CHANGES.SSLeay  crypto        e_os2.h  GitMake       INSTALL.DJGPP  INSTALL.VMS  LICENSE     Netware      os2           README.ENGINE  tools
bugs             config          demos         e_os.h   include       INSTALL.MacOS  INSTALL.W32  MacOS        Makefile.shared  NEWS         PROBLEMS      shlib          util
t@tsu:~/edk2/CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl-1.0.2j$ ls ../
buildinf.h  openssl-1.0.2j  OpenSSL-HOWTO.txt  OpensslLibCrypto.inf  OpensslLibCrypto.uni  OpensslLib.inf  OpensslLib.uni

my best guess would be that they've since renamed the folder/file could the openssl.doxy or openssl.spec be what we're looking for?

in the end I downloaded the very last one from here and ran that

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Did you get it working then?

no It still doesn't have an
basically none of that tutorial is up to date :frowning:

Oh, that's no good. Let me figure out how to install it and get back to you. I figured their own wiki would be accurate, sorry about that. :confused:

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on this site : they only talk about that OVMF.fd file.

They seem quite convinced that that's all that would ever interest someone. We really do need other files?
Could a simple copy-paste from an arch system of those files work? Given I probably only need them to be pointed to and not necessarily to have them interact with the local environment?

EDIT: on another note I ran this : guide and I have tons and tons and tons of files now am I looking for anything like these :

The other file is the UEFI settings file that is needed by libvirt. I'm not positive on why, but it won't run without it.

Absolutely, yes! They're just static binaries, basically a firmware file.

I don't think so. That, if I'm remembering correctly, is for EFI developers to have a unified base to work with.

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well hey could you zip them to me x) ?