Need Help on how to disable Skydrive

I have until recently been able to control skydrive but since this last MS tuesday this piece of bloat ware is managing to reactivate itself. Wonder if i can run a search and destroy of all skydrive files with out impacting anything else. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Oh i forgot itsĀ  win 8.1 Hey, it was free?

You can type "msconfig" on the app page on Windows 8.1 and go to the services and boot find anything Skydrive related and disable it from starting. Or you can just uninstall it. Is it bloatware or are you referring to Skydrive being bloatware?

Sorry that was a reference to skydrive being bloatware to me it is. Normally , I have had no problems controlling it through normal controls and system config but this time it acts like malware. I keep shutting it off in services and boot. Plus it does not show in the msconfig list at all .

I think i have it solved. The last update from MS changed my permissions so it wasnt actually allowing me access.