I'm currently trying to build a gaming pc for a friend to play mostly MMO's and Maybe Star Citizen. Here are the current parts we have is this an optimal build?
The Z97 A is a good board. I noticed though you haven't bought any CPU cooling. You won't be doing much OCing without a CPU cooler. If you aren't overclocking then you don't need a Z97 motherboard.
What do you mean by stream? Like stream gameplay to Twitch? Or watch Netflix? If she is just watching Netflix or doing the occasional Twitch stream the i5 4690k will be fine. If she isn't gonna be OCing get a Xeon 1231V3. It is essentially an i7-4770 without the iGPU but it is about the same price as the i5
well im not completely sure, because i personaly dont play games like star citism, but i have heard that this game might be very CPU intesive, so i suppose that an i7 is not a bad choice. also if you are going to stream aswell, then an i7 is the better choice imo.
About the Motherboard, the Asus Z97-AR is indeed a nice board.
You could also look at the Msi Gaming 7 mobo, also a nice board aswell, if you like red/black theme's. or Msi Z97 Mpower yellow / black. also a very nice board.
she streams twitch meaning she views, i believe not an active streamer. This is old but here's what the benchies look like back in June. I think on the Start Citizen forums they even have their i7 Disabled HT.