Need Help On a New Build

Okay so I'm going on my 3rd build and I've got to be honest. Because of the Marine Corps I've been away from the hardware world for a while and i feel out of the game. So for starters, at this time I'm wanting to build a system at around $600-$800 before adding a SSD and GPU "see bottom". What is your opinion on going Intel or AMD atm? I would prefer to go with these so i can spend more on the other components unless you guys don't agree. Would appreciate any part suggestions!


Recently I got rid of my consoles to Game stop with a $700 balance on it. Shockingly "if i go intel" I found these two on their site let me know what your thoughts are. Price doesn't concern me there considering is practically fake money.

Is SS hybrid legit or is that a shitty buy and just pay for one out of pocket?

Intel or AMD mainly relies on how much money you've got to spend. if you're serious about spending $700 before getting an ssd and a gpu, then go intel. if not, get an AMD FX 8350. 


I would just get a ~120GB SSD and a 1TB HDD instead of that hybrid drive that noone's ever heard of.