Need help getting new DLL to run

Hey guys, I am trying to make a windows C++ DLL file, and I can not get any C++ files to run on visual studio code.

I am not a C++ guy, a windows guy, or a visual studio code guy, so I am pretty much up shits creek on this one.

I know the issue revolves around the fact that I have not properly setup VS studio to run C++. I have followed a few guides, and none of them seem to get things working quite right.

I keep running into errors such as this one

#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. IntelliSense features for this translation unit (C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\joe\HelloDLL.cpp) will be provided by the Tag Parser.’

I understand I am supposed to add something to the path file, but I am not finding a solution that seems to be working.

Here is what I have so far in my path. Any help would be appriciated.

“configurations”: [
“name”: “Mac”,
“includePath”: [
“defines”: [],
“intelliSenseMode”: “clang-x64”,
“browse”: {
“path”: [
“C:/Program Files/LLVM/include”,