Hey there, I have posted a similar thread like this before essentially I'm having the same problem. I eventually installed the OS I wanted and I didn't feel like it was right for me so I have decided remove it from my HDD.
That's just a bit of back story the main problem is that now I've got my drive formatted to NTFS form EXT4 i cant format or allocate a drive path, I've used other software to view how much of the disk is being used or if theres anything I'm not seeing but I cant seem to find out why this is happening again... help
sorry for the great big screenshot but I have also attempted to use CMD and diskpart to reformat it but cant seem to
(if you cant read the error message please just ctrl and scroll in to zoom)
When I have trouble getting drives to format I use a little ultility called Fat32Formatter to get the drive initilized and formatted, and then use windows disk management to then try again
Perhaps I could also offer some help in terms of linux? If you were to tell me what didn't feel right I could help find something that does based off that as well as what you're looking for etc
Hi thanks for the reply, I just tried out Fat32Formatter but it give me an error saying 'can't determine the drive' so I'm not sure what to do. I had this same problem before except the only way I got around it is that one day there was no error?? so I'm really not sure.
As for using Linux it I was using Gnome Ubuntu 15.04 after watching Logan's video on it and I loved the theme and the GUI. The reason why I'm gonna carry on using windows as of now is that I have racing wheels and what not for sim games and currently there isn't any support for my wheel which I use a lot. I will be using it again I'm gonna get a new SSD and will most likely use my current one for Ubuntu and install windows 10 on a new SSD.
I'm a little lost then, hopefully someone else can offer some advice
Ah I see, that makes sense. Yeah a good compromise then would be dual booting or having them on seperate drives for when you want to switch if you do ever want to try Linux again.
Hi I just tried something new, I took the drive out and put it in an older system I had lying around it has windows xp but it managed to recognize the disk and assigned a letter and drive path to it which was great but once I zeroed it and formatted again and was working fine in windows xp but now it's back in my main system its not responding again.