Need help for pc build parts list

So I could use some help building a parts list if anyone would be kind enough to help me. Nothing too fancy, around a $2000 price limit, I would like to use a phantom nzxt 630 white case, and i was planning on using Crucial ballistix tracer ram cards, if possible to use 4 of them on a motherboard and maybe 2 graphics cards. Any help would be appreciated and also in addition i would like to use colored fans inside the case, after market parts so they can be colored nicely. Also i do not want to do water cooled.

You'd probably want to go with one solid expensive card like a 980, but if you insist on 2 GPUs the get 2 Sapphire r9 290x 8GB editions.


Go to and make a list of what you like and then we could fix it up maybe?

Ok, i think i could do that, it will take me a bit to do that though.

Location could be nice , also what will you be using it for ?

And it depends ; here is a more premium build , but you can save on some things ( ram ) and get the same perf .

Also did a black / red / white mix .

Link :

Two 290(X)s would stomp a 980. I couldn't even recommend a 980 anyway. It is $200+ than a 970 and offers 10 more FPS. In this case, I think two 970s or two 290s would be a better idea.

Also why the hell would he get the 8GB versions? I know he has two grand but those cards are $500+ and the 8GB of VRAM is pretty much unnecessary. Especially when it will perform no better than two 4GB cards that cost less than half as much....

I'd recommend two R9 290s or two 970s.

2 970's would be best , 2 R9 290's get hot and use a lot of power , and you would need the botom one to be a blower to keep temps ok .

The power and heat isn't that big of an issue. I have run two R9 290s (DCUII cards, not blowers and tbh not the best R9 290s) in both an H440 and Define R4. They are fine. Plus the R9 290s are so much cheaper...

But yeah 970s would probably be better.

I had overheating problems with my tri x , in a h440 , the top one would hit 95°c and throttle .

I do have high ambient temps , but not that mutch , and the only way I got it to run was having the case fans at 100% and the gpu fans quite noisy .

I would advise for the 970's , unless you don't care about noise .

But yes , they would be cheaper and more or less as good ( depends on game ) .

Sorry for the late comment, i havent really been active. Ill be using the build for gaming, and recording while streaming and playing games like diablo, battlefield 4, and other such games, including the crew, so intensive build must be a requirement.