After following Logan and Wendell for more than a year and gathering the required money, I want to upgrade from my 5 years old VAIO Laptop to my first self constructed Desktop - Finally :)
My budget is about € 2000 = $ 2350. Lesser would be nice than I could buy new peripherals :)
I live in Germany.
I want to game (high end games - I love FPS and TPS as well as open world games like Fallout, GTA and The Witcher) and work with it. Work will include data processing (Excel and OriginPro - some files are as big as 300 MB), Photo-Editing I'll use the Adobe creative suite, some video editing, and I want to get into 3D Rendering (maybe I will start with Blender).
I am going to use Windows 8.1 and Linux.
I am also interested in going into overcklocking (would the i7 4790K be better or an AMD).
It is also possible that I'll be going into custom watercooling.
For the time being I have selected some parts that might be in my new system but am completely open for any suggestions because I am a complete newbie to computer parts.
I would like to have 16 Gb of RAM but don't know what to take.
I chose the case so that I could add the ROG front base to it. (Link
I am really looking forwards to your replies and help.
Thank you.
And I am also open for any good peripheral suggestions
here's what i would do
thanks, but why the Asus Maximus VI Hero instead of the Asus Maximus VII Hero?
would you also suggest the Corsair H100i watercooler?
Aren't there any more suggestions? :(
I personally tend to shy away from Asus ROG boards simply because I believe they're way too expensive for a motherboard. Cheaper options often work just as well, and then money can be put into other places.
Quick build:
thanks for your input.
The comment about the MoBo makes sense.
Would it be better to go for the GTX 980 or the GTX 970 two way SLI - do you have any experience?
I don't - I only have performance numbers on the internet to go by.
The GTX 980 is about $200 more for about 10-15% more performance. I personally think that 2 GTX 970s would be a much better price-performance value, especially considering how fast a single GTX 970 already is.
I just noticed that we're coming up on a price hike via your partpicker price history. If price is an issue (which it always is) I would wait till next month to see how things shape up.
Thought I heard a rumor (I stress rumor) of graph cards going down in the coming months.
Not sure if your Asus 980-970's are included in the rumor either.
As long as it stays below 2000 € it is fine
Now I am going for x99:
What do you guys say?
The extra 2 cores and 4 threads should help a lot with stuff like video rendering and anything CPU intensive. It won't do anything for gaming though.
Some changes.
Quieter CPU cooler
Better quality power supply
Thanks for your inputs. :)
However, I think I'll be waiting some more time for my computer build for Skylake to launch this year.
Have already waited for so long. ;)