Need help for my first build ever

Hi everyone! I'm the new guy around here, what a great message board.  I'm mad at myself for not discovering this place sooner!  I'm planning on upgrading my computer to something a little more modern, i'm currently rocking a pre-built iBUYPOWER with first gen intel i7 930 @ 2.8ghz and a few other older components.  This will be the first pc i'm building from scratch, i'm a little nervous about that part, but Logan's video on how to build a pc kind of left me feeling a little better seeing as how fun and simple it can be if you're careful and try not to rush through it.  Anyways, my budget is between $1200 and $1250,  I think I've picked out some pretty good parts, but I'd be greatly interested if anyone had any other recommendations for me that I should look into.  I was planning on taking advantage of one of the promo deals newegg has going, for 369 I can get a 4670k and Z87 Pro Motherboard (I orginally chose the z87 Plus, but bundling those two will actually be cheaper).  You'll notice that in my pcpartpicker list I decided to omit the optical drive, this is because i'll be recycling that and a blu-ray drive from my old pc.  This new computer will be used as a gaming rig to play World of Warcraft and some of the upcoming titles due out this fall.  I'll also be using it for college work and other productivity tasks in general. I plan on purchasing everything sometime in early July.  Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to getting to know some of you guys through posting on the forums!

WOW is an online game, I think. Maybe you should watch a CPU benchmark video about online gaming posted here

I honestly would use as much of your previous pc as possible, those old i7's still pull their weight when it comes to gaming.

Buy a big ssd and a new high end gpu first (plus psu if needed to meet the gpu requirements) & see how that goes. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Overclock the cpu some more - those chips can comfortably reach the 4ghz mark. I had a few of the 1st gen i7's and they went like hell overclocked.

If your current system was any lower i wouldve recommended going to a new socket etc. But for gaming and other light work your money could be better spent i personally think.

Thanks, I was actually keeping this option open in the back of my mind.  My current pc is still working fine, I'm pleasantly surprised it has been going 4 years strong with no problems at all.  I think the idea of building a pc of my own is kind of alluring in a sense to me, but I think it might be better to exercise this option when it becomes a necessary option.  Thanks for such a quick reply! :)